Tired of getting trashy people on your team from LFG's or other things? Well if you have good stats in Trials Of Osiris then join here! When you join you can get a team together by shooting an invite at anyone you want to! So far everyone in this clan has gone flawless at least 8 times! But I will do weekly checks to make sure everyone in this clan is actually good
1.) If someone doesn't accept your invite DO NOT spam them they might not be active at the moment or do not want to join
2.)When you join please post how many times you have gone flawless if you even have (we don't care if you've been flawless in year 1 or year 2 or if you have not cause we know some good people get trash teams)
3.)Do not disrespect other members no matter the case if they are bad just say "good game but I have to go" or "I'm going to find another team or even just leave right then and there.
I'm good, but never get good people to play with. In a pretty badass sniper