Iron Banner is when:
[i]- You getting shot by sniper who haven't even aimed[/i]
[i]- You are on the top and you get loot worse than last place[/i]
[i]- Your opponents are almost all skillless sunbreakers (I consider people who are playing as sunbreaker, striker, voidwalker skillless because it doesn't require any skill to kill someone during the use of super)[/i]
-You activate your super and geting rekt by nightstalker anchors
- You activate your super and getting wrecked by fist of panic/sunbreaker.
- [i]Destiny stupid matchmaking shows itself. When you are a solo player and your teammates playing against a fireteam of six players. (I think fireteams and solo players [b]MUST[/b] be separated.)[/i]
- Your magazine ends in the most important moment.
-You are tired of Shaxx speech
- You hate it, but play it.
- When want to break your gamepad
-You are the best around and youe team looses....
- Your emotes start shine at "special" moments
-You use your super on player with bad connection -> somehow he kills you by melee when he was supposed to be dead.
Overall Iron Banner is good, but it needs some fixes (italized)
So true.