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Edited by windell: 11/16/2015 6:58:46 PM

Why we'll never win the war on terror

The US strikes trucks used to carry ISIS oil for sale... [quote]To reduce the risk of harming civilians, two F-15 warplanes dropped leaflets about an hour before the attack warning drivers to abandon their vehicles, and strafing runs were conducted to reinforce the message.[/quote] I am very against civilian deaths but the reality is that the US's current mindset is such that it cant achieve its goals. The odds that the people driving millions of dollars of oil for ISIS are civilians hovers around zero... We gave our enemy one hours advanced notice that we were going to bomb their assets? Then we wasted how much tax payer notices straffing the area to ensure everyone left? How many of the trucks were moved during this time...How many of the key assets fled....WTF! Unfortunately, this "war" is really not win-able without the mentality of a nation like Russia.
#Offtopic #mirin

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  • Edited by StiviX: 11/16/2015 9:10:52 PM
    Killing civilians is how terrorists are born. Do you really want to drive people to their cause? The goals was destroying assets. Even if they managed to remove a couple, destroying the majority of them is still significantly crippling.

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