Greetings, East Coasters, and non East Coasters that are active during East Coast prime time.
We are a very small group of experienced players. We are raid focused, and are looking to build a dedicated group of about 12 members that we can get regular and hard modes complete with.
Our first focus is to have fun. We want to clear the content, but we do not want it to feel like a job when we do it. We do not like to toil away in the "LFG" forums, just to try and get the raid complete each week. Instead, we decided to start our own clan, with players that we can get to know, and get along with.
It does not matter if you are new to the game, or an old pro. All we ask, is that you have a sense of humor, and be active during East Coast prime time hours.
If this sounds good to you, then hit us up in game, or here, on the bungie site at . Just message myself Scorpiodisc, v0nP1ff3ry, or fryed_guy in game for an invite.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. We hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks so much for the likes. Those little bumps are a great help!