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Edited by Deadly: 11/17/2015 12:26:19 AM

Very weird exotic item in Destiny Database

I love browsing the destiny db and I found something that looked very weird.. Is this a discarded item that bungie no longer uses? EDIT 1: LOVELY NEW WEIRD ITEMS ADDED: - VEHICLE SHADERS?????? - SPARROW SHADERS??????? - SPACE BATTLE STUFF? OMG OMG OMG OMGOMGO MOGM HYPE - MORE BEAUTIFUL SPACE BATTLEZ - NEW RAID ITEM? NEW DLC/DESTINY 2 MISSION ITEMS: (Not sure if this is already in the game, but space battles??) (Not sure if this is in the game already) - to this entire list Cool New Ghost Shell: - Its a PURPLE SHELL BOI. New engram types: Randomness: - Not just plain spirit bloom... - Old halloween present? or new one perhaps? New/Unseen Emblems: - Wtf? XD Destiny is illuminati confirmed? - Festival of the lost emblem? - Favorite? [Heavy Weapon] - Camera The Salt is real... Eververse Trading package? TY 4 BUMPS IM WORKING ON UPDATE! :D New Update! Meet the engram dedicated to titans only xD - Not sure if this is just a random placeholder... WHO IZ HYPE FOR THE IRON BANANER! AND LORD SALAD MAN SELLING SOME TRASH AGAIN!

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  • Edited by GoboyGames: 11/16/2015 1:15:02 AM
    Some of these items have already been seen and used in the game, such as the salty Engram and the Fallen Ether. They were either used for the Halloween event, missions or patrol missions where you collect items from killed enemies. The camera is also apparently used by bungie employees to record the in game footage used in the trailers

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    • Edited by adamsmith12: 11/16/2015 7:19:11 AM
      the "vex raid rare" was found just after the vault of glass released and bungie confirmed that is was going to be an exotic bounty like thing to get the vex mythoclast but was scrapped

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    • Almost all of those things are in the game already. I'm guessing people don't pay attention to the items you collect during patrol missions or certain quests.

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    • Now this is -blam!-ing intersting: Imagine seeing the darkness as it invades Earth.

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    • why bother looking the shit is time gated you havent jumped through enough loops that are on fire yet

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    • Bump for later

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    • bump?

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    • Fate of all fools

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    • Are inducers and swivel turrets are patrol mission items

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    • 1

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    • I bet it's why we haven't heard anything about Vex Void

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    • aaaaaaand... guess what Tess will be carrying soon?

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      • Swivel turret os from a mission

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      • Edited by Cyanide: 11/16/2015 5:00:38 AM
        You need to better manage your links.

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      • I MUST HAVE THAT CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      • Very interesting.

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      • Edited by Ludibriummm: 11/16/2015 3:52:06 AM
        Is this all in the destiny code then? I bet most of it has been since day one and they're gonna do what they've always done and unlock the content with future updates. Like how the dark below content was part of the original game code but locked by the devs until they 'released' it, claiming it was meant to make DLC downloads faster (therefore making the original game take longer to install...). Whether it was Bungie or Activision I still think a lot of these things were meant for the original game and they locked it all so they could sell it later. And I'm sorry but I doubt space battles will be a thing. My guess - customizable ships.

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      • Platesteel hull plating sure sounds like a ship upgrade material

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      • Edited by PaulM1c3: 11/16/2015 3:15:41 AM
        Some new stuff which looks pretty interesting, but a lot of it has been around for a while. The exotic materials are definitely new, and there seems to be a bunch of new quest items similar to the wormsinger runes and other stuff we got ttk. The ship stuff also looks cool although obviously that could all just be old stuff that never made it into the finished game which is more likely. The zephocyte and soliton flares were part of the exotic sword quest. Fallen ether is part of the taken war quest on earth and I'm pretty sure swivel turrets and torchlight bindings are from patrol missions already in the game. I think probably the syphon streams, arc inducers and ethereal spines are probably also patrol items for future patrol types, and I imagine the spirit bloom thing is just an error; its clearly just a strange coin. Also think that quite a few of those emblems have been in the game for a while cos there's loads in the armory that I've never actually seen in game with no obvious way to obtain them. The deceptive engram was given to you if you played year 1 and turned into a year 1 exotic, the humble gestures was a reward for some collectors edition or other and the camera has been in the game since beta, just no one knows what its for or whether it will ever actually be available. The theory was it was a way of recording in game footage before the PS4 and Xbox One made it unneccessary.

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        3 Replies
        • Wow, this is all cool stuff. I like being able to see what could possibly be added to this game soon.

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        • Very cool.

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        • Bump for later

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        • Does this item give teleport straight back to the tower without going to orbit?

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        • Exotic armor shard and vex chronospanner were tossed out you got the vehicle and sparrow ones mixed up Torchlight bindings and arc inducers are part of the HoW quest. Swivel Turret is the same turret from multiplayer, and it's been added to a few strikes. The place holder is a place holder the list is literally a list of all the shit you get after completing a mission that you turn into someone at the tower pursuer shell is one of the original 8 ghost shells distorted heavy is either from Super Good Advice quest or a scrapped part of SGA quest. Got me on the Scrambled one. Joke item, probably for april 1st but unused. Zeptocyte is from the Arc-Cutter exotic sword quest and the rest in that group are items from Patrol missions All emblems are just from rewards like "buy other activision project," "Be a Ninja" "be a modderater," or "Work for Bungie"

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          • Bump

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          • Get your pinch of salt here as you read this, only 10 weapon parts (my boss only has 1600)

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