Yesterday, my friends and I went 6-0 (1 from flawless with buffs). We were ready to win our final game, claim victory and visit the lighthouse when suddenly, we are matched with 3 people who have red bar connections. We play the match, lose just by a bit, and they claim ultimate victory. We then start up our next match, moment of truth, win or lose. We are matched with THE SAME PEOPLE. How does this happen? It was maybe a ten second gap. How were they not removed from the cycle, how did we get matched against them again?
Oh well, we can just beat them this time, right? Wrong! We get black screened for the [b]first half of the match[/b], probably because the laggers got host, then we lose 2-5 and they claim ultimate victory AGAIN! What in the hell? We did not deserve either loss, we deserved the lighthouse and we got cheated out of it because destiny can't fix it's shit. How about instead of constantly kicking out people with good connections for absolutely no reason, the game drops the people actually causing the servers to shit the bed with their lag??
How is this problem still around after a whole year? I have never spent this much money to be utterly disappointed by a game with so much playability and potential in PvP and PvE
I do not wish to post their usernames in case it truly wasn't their fault; however, I can see no explanation other than cheating of some sort...
Damn, that sucks.