"Such as?"
"Xûr comes in and steals the bodies. Then he goes back home, and rips of the gear the bodies have. Exotics? Strange vibrating coins for him."
"Seems reasonable."
"Yeah. That's why I don't like getting stuff from him. Who knows? My theory might be true, and someone comes back from the dead and haunts me for taking their stuff."
"Sounds like something I'd do,"
"Yeah? Well, who wouldn't?"
"Very serious people."
"Heh. Figured as much."
"Might be crazy, but I think this is leading up to yet another Awkward Moment."
"Four's better."
"Two's a nice number."
"No? Kay."
"No, that's not what I-" Jackson is cut off as someone punches him. Closer inspection, it's Serra.
"Hi there. Do we need to resort to violence for talking?"
"She does that, anyway." 'You lied.' "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"Lied about what, exactly?"
"I told her I needed to talk to Cayde."
"Okay, you can do that anytime. He's here everyday."