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originally posted in: BLACK OPS 3 DESTROYED DESTINY
11/12/2015 1:13:39 PM
Figuratively, You know what the problem of stupidity is? It can't see past today, through a fad, or should I say it can't distinguish between gold and fools-gold. If you saw everybody dying their hair white would you do it because they are doing it or are you gunna think past something you see today and look ahead to what's gunnna transpire from it in the future in order to make a decision. COD just came out, destiny players/first person shooter gamers are gunna buy it, play it, but when the new shine wears off when they realize they are messin with fools-gold, they are gunna come back to destiny(obviously not everyone will) and play a game that continues to evolve, actually the best way to put it is you won't get the feeling of own damn I just beat the campaign now I am stuck playing the same PVP game types and a optional coop game type on the side that's gunnna get old quick too. But If you are content with playing the same thing over and over again and just love it, he'll yeah, keep playing. But good lord quit with destiny is dead cries this isn't the first or last major PVP game type release destiny has seen and Cod won't be its last. Rip thread

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