Blame religion.. if stupid people did not fear science. Then we would be 1000 years more advanced right now... also there would be a lot less wars... #logic
Agreed, religion has ZERO positives. Name one thing that religion is good for that couldn't be accomplished with common sense.
I feel like people are so freaking stupid sometimes, without ANY religion humanity would have died ages ago. It's like people forget about ancient polytheism and how it shaped early culture. STUPID PEOPLE ARE STUPID
Somebody went to Jerry Falwell University and took this class after the one where Jesus rode a dinosaur.
You do realize that the dark ages slowed progress of science all due to religion. While he is way off, he does speak some truth. Religions will never get along with each other...and most wars have either been in the name of religion or some kind of money or power (usually with religion mixed in through some form or another). Problem isn't's the people thinking their religion is the only answer.
And this is what happens when education fails us.
You will find a ass hat that wants to take over the world regardless of religion.
We are in agreement
Aaand HOW is this relevant?
You have no idea if that's true.
He's right, if religion wasn't involved then the dark ages would have never happened. The dark ages is a major reason as to why we are so behind.
I don't know if you know this or not, but the empire was going to fall regardless of religion. We don't know what would have happened after the fall though if there wasn't religion. And by religion, I assume you just mean Christianity, since Islam during the European dark age was still growing and advancing in technology. So basically, you believe that if Christianity didn't exist, humanity would have excelled and recovered from the fall and advance in technology much sooner than it already did. You'd still be wrong, since religion was still a thing before Christianity. Romans (before Christianity) believed in polytheism, and they still advanced and grew.
Let me get this straight, once the Roman Empire collapsed humanity would've immediately rebuilt and technology would've blossomed. That's a bit of an over generalization
I'm not saying it would be near to this extent at all but look at computer when I was in high school we had the house phone now we have a phone that is hand held and is a computer...also gaming systems I remember standing in line at 5 for an n64 and now this
I learned that the dark ages put a stop on science advancement. It doubt we would have hover boards and things similar like that but we wid defiantly be ahead of where we are now.
I agree with that without a doubt, but you can't just go around saying religion caused the downfall of the Roman Empire which in turn led to a dark age. With or without religion that place was crashing down and with it all the scientific data that went with it