originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Oh. Sounds fun," Autumn said. The two Vex confluxes then began pulsing and the boss fight began.
"Loads of fun. Filled with Plasma bombing, arc, and robots. From space. My favorite ones!" You could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
The fight went on, and it went very smoothly. The only difficult part was when the minortaurs showed up. The pair had to wipe a few times because of that. Soon, the nexus was defeated, and they got phat lewt. "Well, let's hope we get something good," Autumn said. The two want to check their rewards. "YES! My favorite chest piece! Heart of praxic fire, and at 310! Thanks a lot for helping me out Jason. What did you get?" [spoiler]Sorry I took a while to reply.[/spoiler]
"Nothing. I did it earlier."
"Oh. Alright, well I had fun and got some good gear. There's still a lot for me to do. If you ever want to do anything again, I'll be sure to help. See you later for now," Autumn went to Orbit, and then Jason went to orbit as well. The two split up and went to go on their next adventure. End.