It wasn't an opinion. His comment is filled with incorrect logic that directly conflicts with the subject of the post.
It's an opinion. It's [i]your[/i] opinion that his opinion is not an opinion. And it is now my opinion that your opinion on his opinion or lack of opinion is an erroneous opinion.
True, true. But just try to read it, you know? It's obvious that his comment was speaking of directly paying for content (aka the "I paid for the gjallarhorn and don't have it, give it to me" shit.) this is supported by every word in his comment, especially the lighthouse metaphor. This is not at all what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how half the content that was advertised as being included in the taken King (through quotes and gameplay trailers) is nowhere to be seen, and cannot be obtained. Very different matter. But yes, I guess that is technically an opinion. So cheers.