All of these are warhammers.
The stats are the same as the swords but they are slower to swing and they have more impact.
The all do a ground pound causing aoe for the special move but each one has a different effect.
Special effect: gives a burn to those in its aoe for 2 seconds
Light's Bane
Special effect: sends out a 360 degree
wave that gives a burn that last 2 seconds
Storm's Might
Special effect: sends out a shockwave directly in front
When you have no heavy they look like a spiked club but each one is different. The solar's spikes have red flames, the void's spikes have purple flames, and the arc's have electricity jumping from each spike.
When you have heavy the head appears. The solar has a dragon head, the void has a medieval age head that is void infused, and the arc has a viking head that is arc infused.
These all sound awesome.