First of all, you play on PS4, everyone is literally utter garbage on that console lolol
Someone's always gotta be "that guy"
Hey get your grim and light level up
Hey get your k/d up you trash, your trials is 0.8 bahaha stick to playing pve buddy
Hes probably on Ps3
Lmao his characters are trash look at them.
Characters are trash? Blame bungie for making such atrocious raid gear :p
Your stats suck. Must be crappy players on xbox
Shut up Kid. Your Stats arent good.
30 days played between characters on destiny tracker but only 11 days on here? Keep thinking you're good with your fake stats kid.
If i reset my stats like you I'm sure mine would be well over 2.0 scrub.
Says the noob
Lmao you are barely hanging onto your 1.0 k/d gtfo
Kd do you kids still judge everything on this?? Git Gud