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Edited by EternityOnOurLips: 11/8/2015 11:58:17 PM

Ideas for Subclass Rebalancing!!!

In the recent [url=]weekly update[/url], Bungie announced that there will be rebalancing coming to the (sub)classes in December. I think we as a community should combine our thoughts and ideas to make each class and subclass reasonably viable and [u]balanced[/u] in PvE and PvP content. I will add popular opinions to the OP as time goes on, dating each update. Popular disagreements with changes suggested here may influence the removal of said suggestions. Uncertain/controversial suggestions will be highlighted. [spoiler]Also, check out [url=]Kirby 235711[/url]'s thread on redesigning some of the jumps available to each class. Note that changes like these aren't as likely to occur by this December.[/spoiler] [u][b]Titan[/b][/u] Striker [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] Defender [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] Sunbreaker [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] [u][b]Hunter[/b][/u] Gunslinger [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] Bladedancer [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] Nighstalker [spoiler]- Bring back quiver. We know it's gonna happen, but just do it. - Redesign the suppression effect (both on the grenades and shadowshot). Suppressions should simply pause a super. It's arguably overpowered to completely weaken someone, take them out of their super, AND send that bar back to zero. Instead, for example, suppressing a Titan in mid-fist of havoc would kick them out of their super, obscure vision, etc but when the effect wears off, they still have their super fully charged. Same deal with a timed super like stormtrance, but the player would have whatever amount of super energy that was left before being suppressed.[/spoiler] [u][b]Warlock[/b][/u] Voidwalker [spoiler]- Have lifesteal trigger upon all void ability kills rather than just the melee (akin to "cauterize" from the sunbreaker. - Nova bomb should do more damage in PvE, it's kind of sad that it's barely more effective than a rocket launcher... Maybe a 50% increase? - Get rid of that tracking perk for the nova bomb (angry magic?), it's borderline useless currently and buffing it could result in some OP bs (think grenades and horseshoes on steroids). Replace it with something like a suppression effect from taking damage from (but surviving) a nova bomb. That would be great in PvE against majors and a rare treat in the crucible. It also would have great synergy with vortex. - Buff the splash damage of scatter grenades slightly. They tear through stuff when they actually hit, but the current blast radius of each projectile is tiny.[/spoiler] Sunsinger [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler] Stormcaller [spoiler]Pending.[/spoiler]

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