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Edited by Ghostfire239: 1/10/2016 8:28:36 PM

Should Old Raids Be Relevant Again?

Yes! I'm tired of grinding one raid!!!!


No! I am not tired grinding one raid so SHUT UP!!!


I have yet to make my decision.


I'm not sure about you guys but I think VoG, CE, and PoE should make a come back. It would add a lot more choices of what raid you want to do and what raid gear you want to collect. I want to piss off Oryx even more by walking into king's fall with gear I earned from killing his son! What do you guys think? Yes? No? Maybe so? If you like the idea then smash the like button like it's that BASTARD RAHOOL!!! Edit 1: Wow that's...that's a lot of votes. I just wanted to apologize to those who see the poll as biased, I didn't really think of how biased it looked when I made the poll, I would change it if I could but I can't edit what's on the umm yeah sorry. But if it helps, you can cover the biased part with your hand...or some tape I...I guess...*Awkward silence* Edit 2: Thank you all for your opinions and ideas! One idea that I've been seeing and have taken a liking to (Haha Taken...N-No? Not working for you?...O-ok sorry) is having the difficulty increased and having the gear drop at 280 and have weapons drop with no burns (maybe random perks too). Keep it up! Edit 3: The Yeses...It's...I-It's...IT'S OVER 9000!!!! (Well I guess over 10000...AND "YESES" IS A WORD!!! Lol) Keep it up friends :) Edit 4: Go to 52:45 [url][/url] coincidence!!?? I THINK NOT!!!

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  • The true problem is the fact that they made 2/3 of their game irrelevant, and are pretty much still pay walling people into buying dlcs. I agree not all the old stuff should be brought forward, but bungie literally cut off most of the fun parts of the game (parts we paid for that are now obsolete), and didn't add enough in TTK to compensate for the huge hole they created. Maybe it'd be fine to leave VoG and Crota in the past along with year one content eventually, but they abandoned it so quickly... I don't want to pay 60$ for "The next big 'expansion'" just so TTK and everything else before it becomes obsolete (Though I know it's part of the game and leveling up, it just doesn't feel right). I don't want to keep throwing money at the screen if they're gonna starve us of content. Like bring back old strikes for goodness sake- I'm tired of fighting Alak-koolaid and the undying mind all the time (not really for alak-koolaid- i just wanted to say that). Basically, don't make all the content we paid for obsolete before it's time.

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    2 Replies
    • Their lack of overall end game activities depends on the old raids becoming relevant again...

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    • If your a year two guardian then move along this post is not for you Any year one guardian can tell you that we grounded out Atheon for 4-5 months before crota was even here no complaints from us now if you've never done VOG let me fill you in what your missing Shards energy almost everytime from each point praetorian foil? Lol stop lying it doesn't exist fatebringer? Oh you mean the gun that never leaves my primary slot ever? Yeah I've got 3 wait.. Back left oracle won't die AGAIN?? Back to orbit Minotaur that's immortal every single -blam!-ing time? Must be VOG ... What is that sound that sounds like people are being teleported?? Oh... Sound glitch that was never fixed.. Bungie: don't worry Atheon won't send 3 people to be teleported if only 3 people are left: 3 people left all get teleported...wipe.. Still chasing that mythoclass I see.. I personally am glad elemental primaries are gone the games more diverse now Now for crota... Game breaking mother-blam!-er.. Can't defeat him legit? Oh it's cool just unplug your lab cable free loot bungie:hot fix yep no lag switches now what you gonna do?? Wait what are you doing with that hunter?? -blam!-... Well fix it hey crota?? Crota:yeah what? Bungie: don't let your sword knight spawn sometimes randomly enrage and if he does die make his sword fall through the map oh and every now and then get up early and smash the guardian also be sure to chase them off your platform and into the crystal room Crota raid all you needed was a helmet with infusion tracking rockets and red death or suros should've been a strike not worthy of a raid Prison of elders...first week solar burn on skolas variks: dismantle mine yeeee.... Wait what are you doing?? Gallys black hammers warlocks with sun breakers and weapons of light seriously?!?!..... Next week variks:dismantle mines yeeeeessss....? Wait where are you going?? What? You got 40 etheric light from trials of Osiris and don't need to kill skolas for a shader emblem and ship?...but...the mines....yeeeesss?... It won't and shouldn't happen a guy who only has the first two dlc's should not have equal gear to the ones that have beaten oryx and if you didn't realize they made old raids relevant with etheric light and nobody even bothered with them Why? The light house and prison of elders had better looking gear and was more challenging if you want VOG then post a recruitment group and do the raid I don't want any of these horrible expansions back ever they were horrible

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      2 Replies
      • I would love to do any of the old raids even for legendary engram drops or new unique, low rate, drops like the strikes have... Even just a handful of motes of light (50ish?) Different shaders/ships/emblems? Anything to give me something else to do. I've only done oryx maybe 5 times because I figure I have the next three months or so and don't want to be done grinding before then... How hard could it be to scale the damage up, not very hard I would presume.

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      • Edited by Elitespear: 11/9/2015 3:41:52 AM
        If bungie dusn't think so then I don't think so and thay've made it clear the raids should be discarded. I trust there judgement

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        9 Replies
        • Yeah... if Bungie could give the old raids meaning again, that'd be great. I really hope they do. I've put over £100 into this game (Stupidly) only to get content I PAID for to just be taken away from me. Bungie are showing great character. ¬_¬

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        • 1

          Wii - old

          They are relevant. 1. All of the materials gained can be turned in for a substantial amount of motes and glimmer. 2.Training grounds for the newbies.

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        • Edited by cha7Li3: 11/9/2015 4:21:53 AM
          I made a post about this idea but since it didn't get much traction I'll add it here Seeing that elemental primaries are being left behind.  I thought up a good way to bring them back into year 2.  Just like the “No Time to Explain” exotic bounty forces you to go through the Vault of Glass, I believe that infusing elementals into new weapons should do the same.  My idea behind this is to have you collect the Elemental primaries from both raid and as well as other items from PoE in order to infuse that element to the new gun. For example.  I want to infuse ARC into any new primary, you would need to collect a raid weapon from both VoG and Crota’s End in order to infuse it.  Collecting a FateBringer OR a Praedyth Timepiece, as well as an Oversoul Edict OR a Fang of Ir Yut.  The Last thing you would want to collect would be a weapon core and a Etheric Light from PoE. By collecting all these pieces, this will allow you to infuse ARC into any primary.  Not only will it make old Raids and PoE matter again, but this will also fix the issues with people having problems with elemental primaries being left behind. Tell me what you think

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          4 Replies
          • I just started playing when ttk released. I'm already bored.

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            2 Replies
            • Bungie doesn't release enough content per DLC to make previous content irrelevant. Big MMOs can do that. Bungie should keep absolutely every in Destiny to date relevant. Then people might not be bored out of their minds and sweating all the little things so much...

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            • It's not even close. Tag this with #feedback

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              1 Reply
              • Why?! So that Bungle has even less incentive to work on new content? Just no.

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                1 Reply
                • I think this would help us customize our character to the way we like and give us more content without bungie having to actually create more

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                • 2
                  If not relevant at least let us get a challenge mode for them. Those were once raids that we were hyped for, now theyre just long strikes...

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                • How about a heroic raid play list. 300 light, drops 300 loot and on reset first three raids from play list drop 20 strange coins. Have a few modifiers thrown in. Have taken drop in on the gatekeeper vog, and deathsinger on crota checkpoints.

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                  1 Reply
                  • How can you be tired of grinding one raid? We've already grinded the old ones. We don't need them back!

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                  • Didn't they promise to release an increased difficulty mode for vault, prison, and Croat?

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                  • I don't have patience for biased polls.

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                    6 Replies
                    • At least the exotics should be brought to the new light level

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                    • I get the fact that if they bring old raids back people would just solo crota for high level gear but still we need a reason to do old raids. Maybe like infuseable raid gear and guns that drop at 280 and y2 exotic drops. And only by beating the boss it has a chance to drop high end raid gear (310-320)

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                    • I am going to say NO. But for a completely different reason. Despite the lack of presentation, the Raids offer a story component. - VoG was about the Guardians cracking open the Vault and discovering it's secrets. We did that. - Crota's End was about us defeating Crota once and for all. We did that. - King's Fall is about us defeating Oryx once and for all. We are doing that. SO going back and redoing them makes about as much sense as it would for us to go back and get updated weapons/armor for year 1 missions. I am all for having the old raid gear updated,. but at the same time it should make sense. Maybe they could leave them at 170 Light, and add the infusion perk. That would make sense. But my other reason, is because I want Bungie to focus on the FUTURE of the game, not the past. I don't want them focusing on Year 1 content, or updating said content, I want them to focus everything on bringing us awesome Year 2 content.

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                      10 Replies
                      • Yeah dude! I love the Vault of Glass

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                        3 Replies
                        • Biased poll is biased. Old raids should stay old, other MMOs don't keep old raids up to date when an expansion comes out

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                          22 Replies
                          • Old raids be relevant? Hah!! Jokes on you- the new raid is no longer 'relevant'.

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                          • Bias poll is bias

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                            5 Replies
                            • It would be fun if everything got leveled

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