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11/8/2015 2:45:26 PM

Hard Mode Loot (get screwed)

Hey Bungie, I am on of the Destiny players that played the Beta and religiously played vanilla Destiny. With the roll out of The Taken King, I have been extremely satisfied with all of the changes that have been made, especially the Kingsfall Raid. I have a raid group that has ran normal mode every week and now we are running hardmode. Now, before I go any further (and if someone from Bungie actually reads this/cares) I am not writing this to try to get anything out it but simply to just complain about how irritated my whole group has been. The hardmode run we ran last night only dropped 2 shards the entire raid for me and a few other people in my group . we had not completed the normal raid at all for the week either, so there Is no reason we shoudlve been screwed the way that we were. I feel frustrated enough to the point of just not playing anymore as do the rest of my clan/fireteam. It's ridiculous. Please make this right, however you need to do it. We ran the raid on 11/7/15 at around 10 PM MST. My PSN tag is RECKONSNeaUX. It would be cool to actually hear back from someone.

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