Theres only so many times you can the raid. Its literally the only thing left to do to get your light up.
Even then its a slow as process of doing it over and over hoping your rewards are good.
Even the quests are really grindy. Bungie seems to still think we enjoy grinding...
If you done the raid a few times you've experienced all thats there. May as well move on and enjoy the big list of other great games that have come out instead of repeating something over in hope rng is good to you
Idk about you but loot is secondary in the raid for me. I think the raid is really fun (for now at least)
Yeah ive accepted the raid drops arent great so im just in it for the social side of it now. The raids fun to do, im sure it"ll get old fast though haha I was a bit late at getting into the raid for this dlc so im not over it yet 😛
I hope everybody reads this because we all feel the same way and those who are on the fence know this is true.
Yup wish more people could just have some fun with the raids