Combine Chuck Norris facts with Destiny.
Chuck Norris does not use infusion. He just roundhouse kicks the gears in the materials and they are automatically turned into 330 exotic.
In the jumping puzzle to Oryx, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the dildo back into the wall. He also walks to the chest room because the path is laid before him.
Fire away!
Chuck Norris can brand the vessel and sisters without the relic. Chuck Norris has a year 2 Gally. Chuck Norris is the reason the traveller stayed. Chuck Norris has completed Destinys 10 year saga twice. Chuck Norris can play Destiny on a N64. The only thing older than the Universe and the Traveller is Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris can beat the Templar without a relic. Chuck Norris carrys RealKrafty and TripleWreck every week to the lighthouse using only throwing knifes. Chuck Norris can self res a Titan and Hunter. Chuck Norris once killed a hammer titan, yes just once. Chuck Norris once played Crotas end without any glitches.