[i]in the beginning there was the word,
And the word was [b]freedom[/b][/i]
[i]freedom sent an eagle to the seas,
And that eagle shat into the dark waters,
And from the depths of the ocean
[b]The United States of America rose.[/b][/i]
[i]The USA was malleable: dark and without shape.
Then freedom dropped an olive branch onto America's void.
And brought [b]life[/b] to it[/i]
[i]America grew, and began to consume the earth in greed,
so Freedom shattered it with it's mighty Glock,
And created the other nations of Earth.[/i]
—[i]Washington 4:20[/i]
[quote][i]in the beginning there was the word, And the word was [b]freedom[/b][/i] [i]freedom sent an eagle to the seas, And that eagle shat into the dark waters, And from the depths of the ocean [b]The United States of America rose.[/b][/i] [i]The USA was malleable: dark and without shape. Then freedom dropped an olive branch onto America's void. And brought [b]life[/b] to it[/i] [i]America grew, and began to consume the earth in greed, so Freedom shattered it with it's mighty Glock, And created the other nations of Earth.[/i] —[i]Washington 4:20[/i][/quote]