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11/6/2015 10:11:17 PM

I'm being bullied

So yeah, I was just riding the bus Tuesday and this kid in front of me had his middle finger up the window. Out of curiosity I looked at him. Then outta nowhere [spoiler]JOHN CENA ok back to seriousness[/spoiler] he starts hitting me in the head. I try not to get in trouble so I do nothing but block, well later in the ride he asks about my mom. I don't answer and he hits my in my private area and then shoved his finger in my eye. Just as that got over, I was at my stop. I got off went to my mom (I'm only in 6th grade, don't judge) and cried. Well after that I get called to the office 2 days later. Told the story and the vice principal didn't believe me and said I needed a witness. Which basically says I'm lying. I asked why (being the victim of the attack) and she says that she interviewed the attacker first and he lied trying to not get in trouble. Now at this I was ticked. So yeah, I just needed to tell somebody.

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