Combine Chuck Norris facts with Destiny.
Chuck Norris does not use infusion. He just roundhouse kicks the gears in the materials and they are automatically turned into 330 exotic.
In the jumping puzzle to Oryx, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the dildo back into the wall. He also walks to the chest room because the path is laid before him.
Fire away!
Edited by IKEABOSS123: 11/6/2015 6:28:43 PMWatched Chick Norris farming Omnigul the other day.. Chuck threw a grenade and killed 50 thralls, then the grenade went off. Chuck's class is "Ranger" and his subclass is "Roundhouse Kicker". Chuck doesn't need to do Trials, he has walked to the Lighthouse. Oryxs' beam weapon on the Dreadnaught is based on the power unleashed by a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the chin of a stuntman, but Oryx had to turn the blast radius down..