I have been playing Destiny for more then a year now. I have 3 guardians and between them I played about 336 hours and in all that time I've never got an exotic engram drop. Even now when I stack 5 x Three of Coins and slaughter Draksis I get nothing, not even a blue engram... how is that possible??? And I'm not a bad player (not the greatest, but I get along just fine).
Does it have something to do with the fact that Destiny is purchased on my husbands account? I mean... I play via his copy of Destiny on our XboxOne.
I only ever got one exotic engram as a random drop in Year . I think it was during a Cosmodrome patrol. The only other Exotic engrams I've ever gotten were from a 3 of coins, and I've only gotten 2, I think. Out of the couple dozen I've used. Not bad, by most accounts, but still a little underwhelming.