Since my thread will be buried I'll just post here.
I've never done a "oh I'm quitting destiny" thread or anything but I'm pretty done with it. It's not me being tired of the game and I just need to come back to it.. the game changed.
I was heartbroken at what the game had turned into and what it was supposed to be but I had no choice but to accept it. And for a while it was okay. But it's always been one step forward and two steps back.
The game has made good changes , but so much bad with the good.. it doesn't justify it anymore.
It's just not fun anymore.
Bungivision didn't focus on making an awesome game because it's the game they wanted to play like they did with halo. That's what made it successful.
Hell the bungie we knew and loved is dead and gone. Half the employees are at 343i and the heart and soul, the music composer and story writer, are gone.
We are left with the few employees left who were willing to betray the love of the game and community for money. Bungie died before destiny did.
I'll admit, I do think a lot of the game was cut content. It makes since and I'm not upset about the money aspect. I'm upset about the principal and that the game was butchered. The game that we saw in trailers and were hyped about for years, the game that caused so many people to pre-order, that game will never be. And that's all we want.
Every "expansion" that comes out most fans are just hoping for as close to the original uncut pre-release game as possible, at least I know I am. The sad part is it will probably never come.
So it's time for me to finally move on and once again start playing games for what they are.. not what they could be or were supposed to be.
It's time to break up destiny. Bungie... You've changed and I don't like who you've become. It's not me, it's you. We should see other people. And Activities, I will never forgive you, you cold hearted b!tch, for taking my sweet little Bungie and breaking her. You are everything that is wrong in the gaming world today.
But like any break up, I've learned a lot.
I learned that the social aspect of a game can make or break it.
I learned to never pre-order anything. Ever.
I learned to never let previous experiences predict what future ones will be like.
So guys, you may not be done, you may be, but what have you learned?
Every DLC since Destiny released, people have been like, "Well, HOPEFULLY Bungie will figure this shit out at fix everything wrong and make it the game we all thought it would be." Ya, it's no longer in sight, I believe the road they are taking is that of micro transactions.
Thanks for not whining like eveyone else.
Spot on mate!
Great post, feel exactly the same
All of this. Kept waiting for the expansion to make Destiny more like what it was supposed to be. A year later we're no closer. Doubt Destiny 2 will even fix it with the rumors of content being cut from TTK for Destiny 2. Guess I'll just wait for Mass Effect Andromeda for my space exploration game, story based game.
Jesus dude, how many places are you going to copy and paste this lol
[quote]Jesus dude, how many places are you going to copy and paste this lol[/quote] Lol until I feel like its been heard (3 times). I wanted to know if that's generally how other alpha/beta players felt too. And apparently it is.
Yes, I agree with you Pretty sure I've commented on the others lol
[quote][quote]Jesus dude, how many places are you going to copy and paste this lol[/quote] Lol until I feel like its been heard (3 times). I wanted to know if that's generally how other alpha/beta players felt too. And apparently it is.[/quote] You've pasted much more than 3 times mate..move on. Either way I agree with a lot of what you said
The truth must be told. Apparently a lot of us don't want this to be the future of gaming. This is going to be the death of it if business practices keep going like this. Next thing you know all developers and companies will follow lead. Would you like that to happen?
I think you responded to the wrong person because that response has nothing to do with what I commented lol
I did lol
He will place it until L.Ron Hubbard ascends him to the mothership. Learn To Swim OP
There are so many threads they just get instantly buried unless you have a pro click bait title and some luck.
I learned that if you are looking at a video game like a relationship you should probably be on medication. Video games are a form of entertainment, not a job(for most of us anyway), not a significant other. I also learned that the younger generation these days expect way too much and appreciate way too little. Iv'e just now learned that i'm hungry(stomach just growled) so i'm going to get something to eat. Have a good day!
Na you're right people feel so entitled or are spoiled so much in a way that if they don't get what they want they can't appreciate anything else. Of course I'm not talking about everyone I'm talking in general it just so happens that my point includes this game.
[quote]I learned that if you are looking at a video game like a relationship you should probably be on medication. Video games are a form of entertainment, not a job(for most of us anyway), not a significant other. I also learned that the younger generation these days expect way too much and appreciate way too little. Iv'e just now learned that i'm hungry(stomach just growled) so i'm going to get something to eat. Have a good day![/quote] It's not literal d bag. I wish I was part of the younger generation
Whoa so quick to throw the insults out huh? What about my post looked so serious. Also, when people get defensive there is usually some truth to what was being said.
Name fits you well. Deej nuts!!!
That's all ya got huh? Pretty original, way to skirt the issue dullard!
You perfectly summed up my feelings on this.
I regret my preorder too because I can't trade in my digital download for another game. Excellent point on Bungie dying before Destiny came out. Even their own staff has left and we're following. Good job. Anybody with a sound mind will agree with your thread.