Combine Chuck Norris facts with Destiny.
Chuck Norris does not use infusion. He just roundhouse kicks the gears in the materials and they are automatically turned into 330 exotic.
In the jumping puzzle to Oryx, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the dildo back into the wall. He also walks to the chest room because the path is laid before him.
Fire away!
Long ago, Chuck Norris gave his gun to the vangaurd. It is now known as the Golden Gun.
Chuck Norris kept his rock on Cayde's map. Chuck Norris keeps his rock wherever he wants.
Why do you think Oryx waited so long to come to earth? To make sure Chuck Norris was really gone.
Chuck Norris gave us the Sleeper, not bungie
Chuck Norris loves to hear all the complaints from S.H.I.T players
Chuck Norric can play with Exotics only with no limits.
Chuck Norris created the First Curse because killing with other guns was way too easy.