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Edited by AmBiiTioN-: 11/6/2015 4:20:12 PM

Passive aggressive inappropriate tone from Deej and other Bungie employees

Ive been noticing an increase in the amount of disrespect from bungie employees on community forums. Just look at todays weekly update and the extremely snarky and sarcastic comments from Deej such as "omg he only has 1600 weapon parts left we need to do something" and "we hold the right to do anything with the game economy we want." Does anyone else think snarky comments like this are very unprofessional? Like Bungie you act like your some sort of hero for fixing a problem that YOU created. Here is a comment from another post that explains my thoughts perfectly, all credit goes to user Wahrnye "Just another joke of a weekly update that makes it easier to not look back on this game going forward. Announcing the weapon parts change - Fine, but that's a fix to a problem THEY created. And when addressing the fact that THEY created this problem, DeeJ wraps it up in unnecessary snark about being curators of THEIR living world. Hubris to the highest degree; it's almost as if they're saying how dare we question their choices? Let me say this next part slowly so the apologists can understand: [i][u]Etheric Light and Wormspore uses should have been in the game since September's launch, not something coming soon by December.[/u][/i] They knew Etheric Light was a thing that many people had plenty of and they also introduced Wormspore (apparently) without any regard for what to do with it outside a few weapon upgrades. IIt's going to take them almost 3 months to finally make these things meaningful? These are all issues they created by poor planning or bad oversight, not something they should be praised for fixing AFTER the fact. The rest of the entire update was about the same tired PVP bullshit as almost every other weekly update. No news on new content, no commenting on the terrible loot system - especially in regards to raid drops (I love doing the raid and getting a fourth duplicate item at 302 light... ) - or the fact that Nightfalls, Strikes, and Court of Oryx ceases being rewarding once you reach 300 light or more. I've seen this playbook before. Between this and Activision spouting off their easily manipulated "registered user" numbers (aka 'investor math'), they've pretty much already decided they're going to pander to the base players who believe Bungie can never, ever, do any wrong. Nothing will change going forward. Bungie and Activision are living in their own echo chamber - as evidenced by the fact that they spend more time conversing with the "community" on Bungie-friendly outlets like Reddit and Twitter..." EDIT: A lot of you seem to think im just looking for something to be offended by cuz im a "no balls toxic loser" Its more im just fed up with the bullshit direction this game is taking like timegating exotics that i already payed for to extend gameplay time and patching things like weapon parts for no -blam!-ing reason Perhaps the most irritating thing is the bungie fanboys and dickriders who will stop at nothing to defend everything the devs do to this game and every word that comes out of that douchebag known as Deej's mouth. Go ahead meet me with ninja justice for stating the obvious about your shit company and bottomfeeder fanboys EDIT2 It seems the common defense for Deejs tone is "oh bungie has to go through so much shit and complaining on the forums, people are meanies" You people cant seriously believe its ok for a company to retaliate in this fashion. Oh no a game developer has to see negative feedback about the game they made wahh wahh prayers for bungie" All of you are saying "can the entitled/offended generation go away", if you ask me the people defending bungie with this mindset are the "offended generation." Some of you say, "The customer is always right bullshit has to stop." Anyone who utters this is a complete moron and has either no concept of business ethics or is 15 years old and thinks they are being righteous and hip. Go ahead, start a business and whenever a customer has a problem with you or the product, tell them to -blam!- OFF. Yea thats a good business model, you will surely succeed.

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  • I used to think the snarky attitudes were a facade because they knew they were in the wrong, but I'm honestly starting to think they really just do think that highly of themselves.

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  • Fact this game is cancer and it's community managers PR and Devs are all shit eating self entitled ass hats realistically this community is trash too Signed a salty realist with zero expectations for this coaster of a disk

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  • Edited by FullestCross226: 11/9/2015 3:02:35 PM
    Completely agree, I will be leaving Destiny behind over this. The people that argue for this game fall into one of two categories. Either they truly enjoy the game the way it was designed or they suffer from post purchase rationalization (buyer's stockholm syndrome). If one truly enjoys the game though, I doubt they would be on the forums rather than playing it. Most likely the people in defense of this game and Deej's behavior suffer from post purchase rationalization. It is a condition that is directly related to self worth and essentially states that something you have spent a large portion of your money on has to be worth it, otherwise you made a poor choice. Since our egos are fragile and we don't want to admit we make poor choices, we vehemently defend the choice we made even to the point we abjectly defy facts and logic. The people falling under this psychological phenomenon should be pitied. I have left a link below for anyone who wishes to read into this further.

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  • Edited by N8sNotSoGr8: 11/6/2015 10:26:53 PM
    To all of the people saying to suck it up, or grow a pair...really, just take a step back and look at this issue. Why did they make the change in the first place? Honestly, give me any other reason why they would change a drop rate consistent in the game for months, just out of the blue, other than to make us have to play the game longer? And that's the real issue here. It's not about who said what, most of us usually take trash talk on these forums anyways. But when our community manager, the guy that's supposed to be [b]our voice[/b], makes a statement like this, it's rather unsettling. Who cares about the tone of his text, who cares if it might have been insulting? [b]Whats more troubling to me, is that he seems so far detached from the issues plaguing this game, that he doesn't even realize why this was such a problem in the first place. [/b] Bungie has made repeated steps in the last couple of months to lengthen the amount of time we have to play, just to do simple things. Now leveling up a weapon (for a lot of people mind you) has become so tedious, that anywhere in the neighborhood of 5-6 strikes [b]might[/b] net you enough for an upgrade node or two. (Provided you also have the other upgrade mats as well which are harder to get now as well). And gaining rep for factions? Why did we need to remove the rep payout from the nightfall ? It's not like you got more rep for doing it on Reset than doing it on the Monday before reset... (As was there defense for removing the nightfall buff). So really, when this developer has gone out of its way to slow down our progression, has time gated away weapons they advertised ([b]before people jump down my throat, I'm referring to no time to explain and SS which WERE advertised[/b]), has made a new system involving RNG and microtransactions (lookin at you Tess Everis)...I mean, do they not understand...? Who here wants to defend these changes listed above? I can guarantee you, [b]a majority of you do not[/b]. And yet, amidst all of the problems we've tried desperately to communicate with them over the last month, they finally break down, cherry pick an issue, try to defend it themselves here on the forums (a Bungie account actually made a stink defending it in a comment to a previous post) , and laugh it off like they did nothing wrong in the next update. Bungie is very rapidly sucking the fun value out of this game, and many of us are just trying to prevent that. Our community manager is literally the [b]only[/b] apparent link we have to Bungie, so when he undermines what we say like this, we're basically talking into the wind anymore. [b]"Hurt feelings" and "insults" be damned. This isn't the problem. The fact that they don't realize why the weapon parts issue was just the tip of the iceberg, is. [/b] *hovers* [spoiler]bleep-bloop[/spoiler]

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    31 Replies
    • Hi AmBiiTion! As a Bungie representative I'd just like to start out by saying GFY! When us guys here at Bungie originally planned the concept of Destiny we knew it would be vital that the players have the minimum amount of fun possible. For year one we slowly increased the drop rates of blue items and nerfed everyones favorite things into the ground. We figured the grind for exotics, unbalanced pvp and lack of end game content would ensure that you, the players would barely enjoy this game. As the first DLC came around we decided to make all those year one legendaries obsolete and then encouraged you to delete them. Jokes on you suckers because we brought them back into play with the sh!ttiest DLC we've released so far with HoW. Going into year two we decided we really needed to step up our game. We introduced three new broken subclasses and sh!t all over those newly upgraded year one guns. We also nerfed most everything and decided to slack super hard on our endgame content and did I mention fücking time gates?! Oh my god I got the BEST over the pants handy for coming up with that idea! But I digress, sometimes yes, it may seem as if we're laughing at you or calling you our b!tches. Rest assured thats exactly what we're doing. We could put dick pics in the weekly update and people would defend it because we control the game. Seriously though we don't care about your happiness or enjoyment of the game, play our way ir gtfo. - Sincerely, <3 Bungie [spoiler]satire[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by ColNapalm: 11/8/2015 4:57:14 AM
      [i]Dear OP, I wrote this to one of your detractors but clearly, it needs to be addressed to many that followed.[/i] Dear Rabble (you know who you are), The words [b]entitled and sensitive[/b] and their prolific use as some kind of [b]argument in itself[/b], has become a [b]brand,[/b] you do realize? [b]Ignorant, close minded, emotionally unintelligent[/b] and very likely [b]angry[/b] [u]losers[/u] under the misimpression that [u]their lot in life is somehow foisted upon them by people with both a brain and a sense of something larger than themselves[/u] have become the near exclusive users of these - [b][u]deflections.[/u][/b] Deej's comms skills are (obviously) [u]untrained, reactive, emotionally challenged and professionally incompetent[/u]. [b]I would fire him instantly[/b] and yes, I review exactly these types of scenarios professionally and am internationally recognized for crisis and business management and effective communication strategies, which I'll forgo for this, largely obtuse (and qualification hostile) audience. In fact, Deej's arrogant use of [u]costic deflection[/u] demonstrates more about the Bungie-centric attitude and hubris of that company than any shareholders, stakeholders, clients or partners [b]should allow[/b] and would be appropriately branded by [u]EVERY professional[/u] as amateur and childish. Moreover, far from 'entitled' or anti Destiny, the OP is pointing out a timely concern that [u]risks this game's future[/u] as much as the trailor trash that have become its self appointed Guardian Minutemen and possibly - client brand. As counsel therefore, to you and your Tea Party brethren, you might consider exercising some judgment before wielding it and; dare we dream, considering feedback as a [b]conversation with equals[/b] instead of an opportunity to claim your - ellusive - manhood or superiority?

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      37 Replies
      • Bump

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      • You must realise that most people who play this game just like playing it, they are not angry over weapon parts, they are just kinda half annoyed and will wait patiently for the patch. The game is not their life. For them the weekly update is in the right tone. It is written by adults, for adults. The weapon parts problem is just not that big. Compared to anything. Why shouldn't deej be slightly mocking of the massive anger on the forums? It is enjoyable for others who also see the lack of maturity on the forums as a problem. If you are angry that he is doing so: 1. I don't think you realise that the reaction of angry internet yellers is worse than the problem they're shouting at. 2. I also don't think you realise that he has the right to just gently string along the people yelling at him. You obviously don't get the joke, but, trust me, it's on you.

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        26 Replies
        • There has never been a forum post created before this one that so perfectly illustrates not only how out of proportion this community will blow things, but also just how much they can bitch

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        • Almost every weekly update only ever talks about Crucible.

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        • Well it's impossible to cater for every demand so I understand why bungie ignores a lot of complaints about the game. Also it's very tiring and demotivating when most of your feedback is negative. If you put yourself into their position and just told you were doing a poor job constantly all the time, it'd get to you unless you had some psychological training from the army or something. However OP has a very good point. I don't know why on earth they decided to mess up the weapon parts economy. Even with the stats they have, logic dictates that regular players would have close to zero! I'm a day one player and even I can tell they are stalling by increasing the grinding time, which I'm pretty sure they said they wanted to reduce! If they continue like this, I'm sure more and more players will leave and they only have themselves to blame.

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        • I think OP is right in his assessment of the attitudes @ Bungie. How upset one is willing to get over it is a different matter, but yeah...Bungie has a penchant for making avoidable messes and then becomes overtly snarky when the people dealing with it demand change.

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        • Destiny is just a video game. I never will understand why people take it so seriously and get worked up about it. If you don't like the game, go play something else. Life is full of choices. Bungie is just another company trying to get my business. If the product they put out isn't any good, people aren't going to buy it.

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          • OP tries to understand a local joke from bungie, Op is confirmed fgt

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            5 Replies
            • So long as this internet fad continues, I fear it is no longer considered ethical to be ethical about anything... Especially towards . . . *gasp* . . . CUSTOMERS ! ! ! That seems to be the way of all companies now... the customer is just a pain in the ass and the only reason customers exists is to hold the companies money until they can figure out a way to get it out of your pockets... [i]*NOTICE* I take no responsibility spelling and/or punctuation in my ramblings due to the fact that my stupid-smartphone decides the final spelling and punctuation placement in most of my thumbings. It would be best for readers to please just pretend everything is speeled write and that I used the proper Grammer and let's continue our lives as stragglers . . . [/i]

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            • He's always been a dick to the community

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            • Edited by xxBURNxNOTICExx: 11/8/2015 8:11:58 PM
              Day One player here, and I agree with you 100%. My friends echo these same sentiments. I picked up BO3 and haven't touched Destiny since. Until it's returned to House of Wolves progression and economy models, I won't. Their negative connotations subtly inserted did not go unnoticed. Become legend they said. Who's legend? Mine or theirs? Yes EULA permits them basically free reign of the environment. However, I would not make a habit of investing my money and countless hours on something that will constantly have my progress negated by it's manufacturer, simply because they can. There is a certain spirit of ownership when you invest your money into a product. You may not be a majority share holder but you are still an investor. The community voice at large holds much more ownership than any single lower/mid level employee at Bungie. Therefore, we should not be spoken down to at all. Until this is recognized and issues are addressed, I urge everyone to refrain from spending another dime on this game. Have some respect for yourselves.

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              • If you're wondering why Bungie prefers to go to Reddit to converse, it's because most Redditors aren't a disgrace to humanity unlike certain members of this forum.

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                • Bump #kanye west 2020

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                • Oh get over yourself. I for one, loved the weekly update. Snarky Deej is the best Deej. Now go get some Preparation H for your butthurt.

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                  • Who here thinks deej is a rotten kumquat?

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                    • Fyi, the community managers dont get a single shits say as to what goes into the game. Also apperently dry humor is a crime.

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                    • It's a company that actively promotes pretending to put your balls in another players face And you expect professionalism?

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                      • BUMP

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                      • Destiny is catered to mostly kids and teenagers who haven't matured enough to understand social politics. That's why bungle gets away with it. It's a great business model really. This game is cocain for them. Smart people know better

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                      • It was a comedic comment because some people don't have a problem with weapon parts because they don't upgrade any weapons. I upgrade nearly all of them. Stop being offended because someone said something you didn't like. Grow some thick skin and letting insignificant joking comments roll off you back. Don't spend the rest of you life getting offended by people. As far as the wormspore I'm wonder why people kept picking it up? I mean Yeah I have almost 200 from the raid, but people have 400+ and still go pick it up? Why!?

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