Less people on LFG, less topics on the forums, etc.
Any FPS type of game can never have to few COD players. Won't miss them for a second
It's a sad thing because VoG's release was one of the funnest co-op experiences I've ever had aside from couch co-oping games with my best friend. Soooo much potential for a deep and intricate game but it feels like it was watered down for the lowest common denominator. When HoW dropped my average number of Destiny friends went from 20-30 to about 4. Had a blast but it got stale quick after HoW.
All games fade, there are very few exceptions. Destiny will always go down as my funnest tjme in an online shooters for sure though.
Next Tuesday I'm out too. No joke. There will be another significant drop I'm sure.
Edited by helyearelyea: 11/7/2015 8:19:31 AMIt's true. Lots of necro bumps too
I can't log on lately. I've tried but I find myself with nothing to do and no drive. So I got bo3 (which all my destiny friends seem to be playing anyways) and I'm enjoying that pretty well. Really interesting take On cod. It's slightly like destiny with way better pvp.
Edited by MrParadox002: 11/7/2015 7:04:22 AMDying no, less people due to lack of other stuff to do because people have gone through most if not everything at this point and because of quite of few new games coming out in late October to early December. More likely.
I would say "going dormant" is more accurate at the present. Not to say that it doesn't risk dying in that "dormant" state, but that all really depends on if Bungie uses these "slower" times to implement changes and community feedback/suggestions to the game. Bungie needs to use this downtime to go all in on a lot of these suggestions. Get feedback from the smaller community who are still here, have more one on one with the community and the like. That way when they announce their next DLC pack and the majority of the community returns for curiosity reasons they'll be hit with all sorts of implemented suggestions (perfected by the teamwork of the dev team and the reduced community) that weren't there when they left.
Destiny is one of my many addictions I'll be here as long as they r best fusion between mmo and fps
Dude for real. 3/4 of my friends list is playing BO3
Destiny has run its course for me
I'm leaving for now. Horrible loot system in place currently. I dislike three of coins because exotics went from ultra rare to boringly common. No elemental primaries from hard mode or trials, so I don't care to do either. I'll be back!
Not saying I'm leaving, but I definitely need a change of pace. Downloading BO3 right now. I went from being crack addicted to BO1/2 to Battlefield series and then destiny. Not deleting all my shit, but damn the grind is real with this game.
The question to ask is not are people leaving, that happens with any game. The question is are they happy enough with their experience to buy destiny 2?
Tales 5 minutes to find a match of control or heroic strike...
[url=https://youtu.be/Qi8qrFz8XUA]you believe people like this?[/url] You want to follow retards like this go ahead don't think for yourself
It's difficult to come back to this game when all of these new games are presented in 60 FPS. When Destiny gets with the times, I'll take the game more seriously and so will my friends.
Everyone will be back. You will see
Because most people are playing the new games, and most likely realized how much more fun those are than Destiny.
Alright, let's test your statement. The link I added is the most popular DLC on the PSN. 6 of the top 10 most purchased are Destiny. 4 of those are a currency for cosmetic dances. Something that adds almost nothing to your experience. Those are the most popular DLC purchases on the PSN. Not for right now, ever. Let's look at the top 5 from the past 30 days. Once again, the top 4 purchases are a currency for Destiny for dances. Funny how people say that the most profitable game on the PSN is dying.
ToO was a bit empty ):
#allthekidsleftforCoD Do the math
Destiny is like the Bungie Forums community. The only way it will die is by it killing itself.
Weird. A game has less people playing after a month and a half since release of dlc. WEIRD
You know what really grinds my gears? No, but seriously.. I'm just going to leave this here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/171044664/0/0