To release quality DLC periodically at a reasonable price just like pretty much every other game does.
You are acting as if Bungievision has no choice but to overcharge for DLC and add Microtransactions.
I didn't say anything about that, it's just a hypothetical. You want to release quality DLC and that's fine; what's the price? Is it high enough to cover at least the cost of your employees and make a profit so you can continue to work on future DLC's? Also what about the story? We all know it needed to be fixed but you completely left it out and went right for DLC's. I'm already not interested in buying your game. Give me more.
This isn't bait; I'm giving you a chance here. You're the publisher, you're making the game from start to finish with your own employees and everything. Keep the things you want but business plan the rest. I'm asking you to make your game and so far you've given me DLC's with no other changes. C'mon man!
I shouldn't have taken the bait. That was my fault.