The thing is... what else are we going to go play? I played Rainbow 6 beta, currently playing BattleBorn ctt, but after those are over, what else is there?
I even went back and played Borderlands handsome collection. It was fun, but only for a bit.
Games like Witcher and Fallout are awesome, but many gamers need multi-player to hold their interest.
Plus, Destiny is fun to play. I can play casually and have a great time with my buddies... isn't that the point?
If you're really into fighting against the injustice found in this world, there are so many more worthwhile pursuits that actually matter.
Fighting and raging over greedy game developers and their tactics is such a waste of your passion.
Battlefront and BLOPS 3
Admit it or not, Destiny is better and offers more than both of those, at least what I experienced through Battlefield beta. I'm hoping as much as anyone that something will take Destiny out, but I have a feeling it will be Destiny 2. Either way, #firstworldproblems