Hardly anybody would complain if something was benefitting themselves. Nobody complained about Gjallarhorn being too good because it helped [b]themselves.[/b] This is why the atheon teleporting system changed. They're making the game better and longer lasting.
I prefer to have a game that will endure me years than to have one that will be successfully completed with ease.
Endure? I doubt that it will be relevant in 6 months. Instead of ensuring additional content, they just make the vast majority of it irrelevant. They made a few things better with TTK, but they made more of it worse. How is double and triple grinding better? How is making the vast majority of the community angry? That's not long lasting - it's shooting itself in the foot.
So you're implying that the game would be better if every weapon ever created along with their perk sets should stay continuous throughout this game?
Are you saying you haven't successfully completed all the TTK content? If so that's a little sad. Have no fear. No matter what Bungie puts in there it sounds like it will last you a long time.
It's a little sad that I don't fully devote my time to games and prefer to go through the game slowly?
To each his own, but I have a wife, dog, house to take care of and a job and I still managed to complete the dlc in two weeks with just 1-3 hours a night depending on availability. I'm not saying you have to rush, but I am saying that I don't think you are necessarily the norm. If you can savor this amount of content for this length of time, more power to you. Most gamers simply move a little faster, even while savoring each piece of the new content.
I'm glad you understand my reasoning.