If bungie announces a new dlc I will most definitely [b]NOT[/b] be buying it bungie said that everything in TTK was going to make the game better but how is this new light system any better than the old one, how is nerfing coin/weapon parts going to reduce the grind in any way I just got to face facts
Bungie can talk the talk but they are unable to walk the walk
Its to maintain the grind they said wouldnt be soo bad in yr 2. But it is actually worse. Harder to get strange coins, harder to get materials. Strike specific rewards that just dont drop. Totally random attack, defense, and perks for raid gear. Its all about them keeping ppl grinding until we have had enough then they are going to promise us the world with next DLC then more of the same. All about money, and keeping a customer base wanting more. Good example is time locked exotics, and yr 1 exotics that will be yr 2 soon. Keep ppl interested until they can reskin missions and gear for next DLC.