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11/4/2015 4:54:16 AM

Please tweak/adjust the Thalnok (Fan of Crota) T3 CoO boss fight

Please tweak the Thalnok T3 CoO boss fight so that randoms won't be able to steal the sword/relic and run off with it, wreaking it for everyone else. Please change it so that only the player who used the Rune can hold the sword/relic, or maybe someone else in his/her fireteam is the only players who can use the sword/relic. We had a 3-man fireteam ready to down Thalnok, and some random who had no idea what he/she was doing will always grab the sword and ruining it for everyone else. Thalnok fight requires some co-ordination and communication and by allowing randoms to ruin it is anger inducing.

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