Find out how much time you've spent on Destiny with this website: [url][/url].
I'm at 1223 hours. What's your time spent?
almost 1200 - someone please tell me this is inflated somehow...
The website isn't accurate. It says my total time is 400 less hours than my Xbox, or this app.
1053. Less than I thought, I'm disappointed.
2085. Ugh!!!
Mine says zero. Cuz none of it was a waste.
Edited by Vert: 11/4/2015 6:45:30 AM985 985/24=41 days
817 hours. I dont think this counts on xbox 360. Feels like way more time then that.
910 hours
Edited by ForgottenAwoken: 11/4/2015 4:06:49 AM374 About 372 too many *edit* beta/day one player
1152. I'd probably say half of that is farming materials and chests in vanilla.
333 hours
1883 with zero characters deleted - my xbox says more, it's probably adding in all the time i'm idle though.
288 combined on Xbox 360 and PS4. 67 since TTK on PS4.
787 and counting .... I wonder how many hours of that is grinding?
Edited by Venomous47: 11/3/2015 10:38:36 PMThat Police guy has 5055 hours and no deleted characters.......... well geez.
This site doesn't include idle, tower, or orbit time... Only counts the time you were running around in an activity just FYI 1161 for me btw
Reply for later
1666 hours
822 hours