Find out how much time you've spent on Destiny with this website: [url][/url].
I'm at 1223 hours. What's your time spent?
821 lol
606. Damn. And people complaining to pay for dlc. I can pay another 100$ and would still have my moneys worth...
291!! Lowest!!
1100 hours... Smh
1381, and wow, nr 1 spent over 5000 hours. And top 10 is filled with ps users
Edited by RickRaz TZB: 11/3/2015 5:03:14 PMtop 6,000 lol im sad now you fker! no life!
503 hours still not as much as wow (2500+ hours)
3600, I'm almost top ten!
701 hours total But it feels like so much more
Why are 9 of the top 10 on Playstation? Discuss.
426 hours.
403 hours...and I feel pathetic for 'playing too much' lol
I've had Destiny since the beginning but I only have a total of 385 hours haha.
A whopping 342 hours
625 hours
485 hours and have 3 characters all over 300
Little over 750 counting my first character. I deleted him for character design purposes and now I'm wishing I didn't because I'd have exotic bonds now
1170 hours here.
1277 no deleted characters