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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
11/2/2015 11:29:46 PM
[i]COSMODROME, OLD EARTH[/i] [b]TWO FALLEN ARE GUARDING A DOOR FROM ENEMIES[/b] RANDAL: The vandal. Loves to be cheerful even to his enemies TECH: The dreg. Very smart and determined to show that intelligence can help earn honor. Randal sighs after seeing nothing for the past three weeks. "Why do we need to guard this door? There's nothing out here!" Tech looks at his companion. "I heard that one of those demons was here. Too bad u couldn't use one of my machines to stop him." Randal turns towards his friend. "Tech, since when has one of your ideas benefitted us Elinski? They never work!" Tech makes a sour face," Because you never try them at all!" Suddenly a mysterious voice interrupts them. "I've seen what your capable of. And yes they don't work sometimes but still ingenious among the Fallen." Fallen. The word the people hoarding the Great machine and the reef dwellers called their once great race. That could only mean one thing. Both Tech and Randal look up only to find a Hunter. Randal waves towards the Hunter. "Why hullo! Didn't see you there! What's your- urgh!" Tech had smacked his friend upside the head. "Shut up! Maybe we could take his armor and use it to impress the new Kell!" The Hunter laughs softly. "Kell? Trust me. He's no Kell. He's a fat old captain who likes pulling pranks." Randal and Tech look nervously at the Guardian, then at each other. The Hunter climbs down. "I'm Rick. Pleasure to meet you both. I actually like you two." Randal replies, "And I like you too! Can we be friends?" Rick starts to chuckle. "Sure why not? Never meet someone like you before. So cheerful!" Tech clears his throat. "Um Randal, if someone sees us with this demon we will be killed! We'll-" He got no further when Rick interrupted. "Trust me. They don't like you a lot. I've seen it. Me and my fireteam are actually hunting a rogue unit. And I was wondering if you could help. In return, you can live at the city where you can do whatever you want." Randal and Tech look at the Hunter surprised. This was an opportunity! Tech would have the best equipment to do his experiments and Randal would have friends! Tech said, "We accept. Now who are you hunting?" Rick replies softly like he was holding back tears for the name. "His name is Titan Delta 288, or known as my friend."

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  • PART 2 [i]COSMODROME, OLD EARTH[/i] Rick: Hunter, likes to meet new people and is very deadly in battle. Randal: Fallen vandal, cheerful even to his enemies. Tech: Fallen Technician. Loves to work with any type of machine. Rick turns to his two new friends and grins. Watching fallen fight in the battlefield was interesting enough, but to see these two argue about what animal would win in a fight was absolutely hysterical. He decided to intervene. "Hey Randal, Tech, welcome to the camp!" Randal looks up. "Wow..." The campsite was up kept by vanguard patrols and was used to launch strikes on certain enemies. It had two different types of guardians on the walls currently. The first was armored in steel and held a shotgun in his arms. He wielded the weapon as if it were a toy! The other was the opposite. She was wearing robes and held a small but seemingly effective gun that looked like it could punch a hole through Randal's mask easily. The armored Guardian pointed his gun at Tech. "Hold on! Rick what are you doing?" The voice was hard but not old or young. Tech predicted him to be in his mid 30's. Rick replied, "I found us some help. Isn't that what you wanted?" The Titan replied fast. "And I meant by guardians! Not those fallen filth! They'll do nothing but- The warlock interrupted him. "Mike, if these are our guides we must oblige. Rick are you sure they can help?" Rick grinned. "Apparently you don't know who these two are. Tech here makes machines that put our sparrows to shame. And Randal here is a master negotiator." Randal looked at Rick confused. He didn't know he was a negotiator. But oh well, desperate times called for desperate measures he thought. The warlock turned to Tech. "Is that so? I'm Marisa. That's mike over there the one who almost blew your brains on the wall, and you've already met my dearest friend for the longest time, Rick." Tech bowed to her. "Pleasure is all mine to meet you ma'am." Randal decided he should talk like he was cheerful. "Morning good lady." Mike grunted, "I bet these two will try and kill us when our backs are turned. I just got this armor polished so don't even try it." Tech looked curiously at his armor and Randal knew what was gonna happen next. "Magnificent," Tech said. "This armor is so amazing! I wish I could modify it and add a few adjustments to the field stabilizers." Mike actually recoiled in surprise, "How'd you know what my armor does?!" Rick cleared his throat. "Look let's worry about that later. We need to find 288 and he's been sighted behind a cabal base. We need two vehicles capable to break their blockade. Can you make one Tech?" Tech's grin could've light up the dark side of the moon, "Give me a few pikes, a sparrow, some weapons, thrusters, computers, and a power source and I may have something very useful for you." Randal knew that look anywhere. He was gonna do one of his former projects. "Ahem, um, Marisa can you help him with that? They tend to back fire if he doesn't have help." Marisa smiled at him, "With pleasure. Never worked with an Elinski before. Should be fun!" Elinski. She called them their original races name. But before they could move, a voice shouted, "What in the 5 Houses go you think you're doing?!" Randal knew that voice. It was the voice of the most rumored vicious captain in his House. Sarviks. Son of Sikliks, breaker of Archons. Randal gulped and looked at his superior. "Hi?"

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  • PART 3 [i]COSMODROME, VANGUARD BASE[/i] Rick: Hunter, likes to make friends Mike: Titan: follows orders too seriously Marisa: warlock, overthinks too much Randal: The vandal, likes to be cheerful even to his enemies Tech: Dreg technician. Loves to work with machines It was a standoff. Sarviks was standing at the far end of the wall. The three Guardians had their weapons at the ready pointed towards the captain. Randal and Tech were so nervous as to what would happen. They figured Sarviks had come to kill them. But his weapon was holstered, his arms on his hips and glaring curiously at them. Rick was the one who ended the standoff. He said, "I would advise you to leave now before my friends here open fire." The captain sniffed disdainfully. "Nothing is worse than what I just went through. Our Kell is dead. He was murdered by glowing monsters that resemble us, the machines, and the militants." Marisa said, "Taken? Here? How?" Mike replied sarcastically, "Maybe they came here on vacation. I sure would." Rick yelled at both of them. "Please be quiet and let me work this out! Okay?" Sarviks looked at Randal and Tech. "I expected no better of the both of you. Running of was stupid but life saving. Those 'Taken' overran the base in minutes. I was lucky to escape them." Sarviks hen turned to the guardians. "If you want to find your friend, he has taken shelter near the cabal base in Meridan bay. You'll need to have two Splinters to break through." Mike replied, "What's a splinter?" Tech answered for him. "One of my ideas. Three people can get in it and the two up front can drive and be front gunner. But the one in the back can use a anti air or anti ground gun. I've never had the resources to build it. It's what I had in mind for this job." Sarviks grunted, "That's what I figured. Good luck. I'll be wandering this blasted planet until I find remnants of our House. Goodbye." And with that, Sarviks turned and walked away giving the rest time to build this Splinter. Three days later, they were done. It was a marvel. It had the speed of a sparrow, but the durability of a small tank. Combined fallen and human technology made it a marvel to drive. It was what they needed to break through the cabal base. It was what they would use to hunt down Delta 288. With that. Tech and Randal boarded the guardian's ship with the Splinter aboard, and they headed off to Mars. [i][b]To be continued [/b][/i]

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  • And out of nowhere mike straight up -blam!-ing murders svarkis with a rocket to the face, then shoots tech and uses his body to strangle Randal because he realized that fallen don't speak English and it must be the shrooms he took 20 minutes ago affecting his mind and that he was tripping hardcore. Mike lived for 7 more years until he OD'd on ether seeds. the end

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  • No that's not what's gonna happen. I'm currently working on part three

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