When it all just clicked into place for you?
Ran the Daily with my Hunter. Found the 2 dead ghosts that I hadn't known about in "Cayde's Stash". And when I killed the Echo of Oryx, my 3 of Coins caused him to drop both an exotic AND a legendary engram. Jade Rabbit and legendary leg armor with some good perks.
Then, while farming iron on Mars, my clan chat announced that 1 was needed for an Oryx checkpoint. Hastily switching to my Titan, the character I main, I hied me to the Tower and joined the team. An hour later, thanks to great patience on my team's part, I had my first Oryx kill and a Raid auto rifle to commemorate it by.
And, since I just barely had time for the daily Crucible match before I had to go to work, I tested my new rifle out in the Rumble. Entering the Asylum, with some trepidation (since I suck at PvP in general and Rumble especially), I died quickly, but then made an inexplicable comeback. Between my new rifle, Invective, and a friendly hallway to camp in, I managed a couple of kill streaks; then I was able to grenade an enemy in time to grab the heavy ammo for myself. Now, with rifle, shotgun, and sword, I was somehow unstoppable. I achieved only the second Relentless medal of my career and won my second Rumble match ever. 22/4, 5.5 K/D.
Great day.
[spoiler]And I don't care if you don't care. :)[/spoiler]
Good for you. Did you make any s'mores during that rumble game? I'm hungry
I care
I was expecting a post asking how many times I've fallen of cliffs today while doing well. Well, to answer the question you never asked, A lot.
I got not one, but TWO 5x multi kills today in one game! Even recorded 'em both! So yes. Those days are nice.
Ever had those days where you wonder why 3oC doesn't work ever and you wonder why you never get exotic weapons and then you try the first part of the chaperone quest and cry and want to go jump off a building. I have those days.
Just yesterday went flawless for the first time in y2 infused the auto into my raid pulse to get it to 315 the bought a legendary engram hoping for a 1k stare with hidden hand and shortgaze and rng gave me exactly that
That sounds good
I got a zhalo supercell, Monte Carlo, and telesto all on the same day. That alone makes up for RNG completely screwing me every other day I play.
Yes, first week of hard oryx. I got gear at every checkpoint besides oryx
Great job That day was yesterday Today was shit Be careful
Sounds like a fun day. My day is consisting of: pop-midterm, flat tire, and a nasty allergy attack. But in the end, I could be worse off.
Nice! I never have those days :(
Congrats...that is a good day
I'm surprised how some days I get more done is 30 mins than is 3 hours
I've had those days. 6 exotics in one day pre ttk and finished my collection that day.
I keep making it to Oryx then it all goes south every time. I'll never get touch of malice
Good going. Not to brag (because my K/D is terrible) but I went 21/1 in one rumble game last week. I almost cried.
Didn't even have to use your A.K.
nice work
Nice, sadly it hasn't happened to me yet. <('_')<
Noice, real nice great job dude
Is relentless a 10 kill streak?
Well done man, hope more of these days come your way
Well in lad
Great job! Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of luck.