Here are mine:
[b]Sunbreaker[/b]: I can fix it!
[b]Nightstalker[/b]: Legolas has arrived!
[b]Stormcaller[/b]: Unlimited powah!!!
Gunslinger - [i]"It's haaappeniiiing - McGree ( Overwatch )[/i] Bladedancer - [i]" Say hello to my little friend " - Scarface[/i] Nightstalker - [i]" Slow down pal "[/i] Sunsinger - [i]" Time to bathe you in fire "[/i] Voidwalker - [i]" Give me your LIGHT "[/i] Stormcaller - [i]" Time to Amp it up "[/i] Striker - [i]" I said SIT "[/i] Defender - [i]" Come, sit "[/i] Sunbreaker - [i]" Stop! Hammertime! "[/i]