So me and my friends are about to go 9-0 we're winning and having a great time. Then bam! One of my friends gets booted. (And no it didn't say error code weasel which would mean he lagged out.). So we're all getting angry and me and my other friend actually beat the hackers and go 9-0. But we had lost our mercy so our friend basically got denied going 9-0. He immediately logged off and said he uninstalled destiny and is never playing again. So there trials hackers you are the scum of the other as many MLG 12 say. Git Gud.
Note: Not looking for pity just trying to vent my anger a bit.
Edited by Racebum: 10/31/2015 10:58:35 PMrouter spamming is one of the more common forms of cheating. mtu reduction is the other. with the MTU settings people basically play around with it until it looks like you're a green bar and in the game but hits won't always register on you there are how to guides online with step by step instructions on the best methods of cheating in crucible if bungie starts bleeding players i can only hope they address this crap p2p matchmaking or spend the money on dedicated servers and region lock like they should be with the countless millions rolling in