I mean Im an old school Halo fan so Im not biased towards destiny but Halo 5s PVP isnt that great. For there to be basically no campaign they needed to nail the PVP and it is lackluster as hell. The maps will decieve noobs because they look good but those Halo 5 maps are some of the worst designed ,aps Ive ever played on. And the basically its pistols 50% of the time. The other 50% you are using a BR or DMR BARELY beating pistols. Clearly 343 wanted a nooby game
And that HORRIBLE ranking system HA.
There are some maps I miss, but there's a good chance we can expect some oldies with the FREE dlc. The maps aren't that bad though, there's only a few I'm iffy about. And breakout is gold.
Free? Yep. That's priced at its exact value.