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Edited by Zanithos: 10/30/2015 10:11:49 AM

Xur Conspiracy? Voice your opinion!

This was done on purpose


This is an insane coincidence


I want to believe...


So, not that I believe such things, but I can't sleep, so I'm gonna write this post. Anyway, remember last week, when Xur sold the broken engrams that gave nothing but Crest Of Alpha Lupi to people, regardless of class or previous ownership? Many people, I'm sure, had loads of strange coins saved up specifically to buy those engrams, but they would up wasting them all on the broken engrams, plus the year two Skull Of Dire Ahamkara (warlock helmet) that by all means shouldn't even exist yet. I know I did, and I was left with only two strange coins. So it looked like I had to start grinding right? A week later, after completing almost every daily PvE bounty, and a few PvP bounties as well, I have fifteen strange coins. Odd, considering that the previous week, after doing the same thing, I had almost sixty of them. Seems like there may have been a nerf to the drop rate somewhere, right? So, in desperate need of sleep, and more than a little upset that since I have work tomorrow, I won't be able to grind out the roughly 65 strange coins I need to buy what are basically the only year two exotics I wanted for all three of my characters, I've come up with a ridiculous theory. Halo 5 released recently. This means that Bungie has taken a hit to Destiny's player base, and after the terrible Xur we had last week, people were probably content to pass him up this week, right? My theory is this: Bungie made Xur sell the broken engrams and released the glass needles in the same week to drain our strange coins. They then nerfed the drop rate of strange coins, then made Xur sell all the best exotics for all three characters, plus what is arguably the best (or at least the most desired) weapon in the game, to force all the people who took a break from Destiny to play Halo 5 to come back and play it non-stop for two days, in the hope that they can get enough coins to buy all four items. This both bolsters the numbers for Destiny's weekend player base, and takes away from Halo 5's player base, allowing Bungie to say that Destiny is drawing more players than Halo 5, and even making people leave Halo 5 for Destiny. Anyway, I'm just playing around here, but since we can't 100% disprove the theory, it's possible that it may be true, right? Please, post your thoughts below. I'd like to hear what people think about this.

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  • Hold on I gotta put on my tinfoil hat Tinfoil hats are triangle Triangles have 3 sides Glass needles come in threes 3+3=6 Exotics were thought to be 330 defense 330+6=336 You get a 300 weapon from a quest 336+300=636 I have 30 coins 636+30= 666 666 Illuminati Confirmed ~(0.0)~

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  • Alchemist Rainments so good wish all the warlock exotics had its perk...

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  • Dafuq??? No #satire? I don't get it.

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  • #SpinmetalHatTime is best tag ever. Also, that's an interesting theory. Maybe a little crazy, but not outside the realm of possibility. Joke's on them, though. I didn't buy any armor Engrams last week and I don't have Halo 5 yet. So, nyeh.

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  • They probably do it for a lot of things. If there is a Wendy's opening next to Burger King you bet they will be doing some kind of promotion. It's marketing and it works, if you want to be a successful business you make marketing decisions to benefit you the most when competition comes around.

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  • Makes sense, and I stopped putting developers above doing stupid stuff a while ago. Ill buy it.

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  • WRONG.... Last week I bought close to 20 chest engrams, hoping for 310's to infuse some gear. That left me with 100 coins. By the time Xür came around again I was back up to 180 coins and spent 80 entirely on 3ofCoins.

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  • I got more than just Alpha Lupi, just infused them anyway. You have the best chance at Alpha because there are only a few year 2 cheats. I still have around 400 SCs so I have plenty to go.

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  • That failed lol. I didn't buy any of that shite in the past, and still have 57 coins left on my main character.

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  • Those engrams gave me 2 voidfangs and an alchemists raiment.

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  • I think the real reason they pushed trials back was to be released the same week halo came out. But that's none of my business ☕️☕️

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    3 Replies
    • I had over +150 coins still saved from year one. I don't trust RNG for anything. Spending coins on RNG is the dumbest thing to do. I used to spend my Motes on the RNG Xur items but once they stopped that, I also stopped.

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    • Edited by Tomato Gravy: 10/31/2015 9:09:54 AM
      Huh...65 strange coins. I get being short on coins....but crying because you want to buy multiples just makes no sense. You get the blueprint from buying 1.....just buy 2 more from there later if you just have to have 3 or whatever. Spent all my strange coins today.....had about 55 when I logged off Plus, it's getting to the point where unless more new stuff gets released, I've got nothing left to buy from xur except 3 of coin.....all I have left is one titan helm, one hunter helm, and one warlock chest....& there's nothing else xur sells that I don't already have...

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      1 Reply
      • Meanwhile i keep playing warzone and say -blam!- destiny...

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      • I pulled a decent amount of coins from chests on Dreadnought while farming hadium flakes for my Touch of Malice & got decent amount from bounties engrams & Crucible rewards... but I already had a lot of coins. I left Destiny to finish the Halo 5 campaign & came back because most of my clan didn't move to Halo 5 yet. I think it's an insane coincidence. There was also no update or patch downloaded

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      • Destiny will always have more players than Halo 5... It's a mathematical inevitably. Halo 5 is on 1 console. Destiny is on 4. Therefore, your 'theory' (if you want to call it that) is baseless. While there [b]are[/b] companies out there that manipulate their consumer base to the extent that you've detailed above, I don't believe Bungie has an interest in such marketing strategies.

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      • Edited by Jackie Daytona: 10/31/2015 2:30:44 PM
        You do know that for 5000 glimmer and 2 exotic shards you can get 2 more supercells..... Weapon kiosk down near the vanguard just in case you have missed it. Either way, get some sleep. This post sounds like you need a -blam!- load of it.

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      • How do you people not have strange coins lol I have literally hundreds on every character....they drop like fcukin candy from everything now, engrams, faction packages, crucible, bounties..... I try to run them down to 60 or 70 every week but I'm running out of room for more 100 stacks of heavy ammo synths, he hasn't had anything for a month that I needed.... I blame exploiting 500 pre nerf ToC That first weekend lol

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        • If you take away the Z from Zhalo it spells halo....

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          6 Replies
          • Could be true, if it is, its sad

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          • I want to believe [spoiler]da da da da da daaaaaaa[/spoiler]

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            1 Reply
            • Too many things are happening to believe in RNG any longer and they have plainly said they are reducing drop rates.. it's like Santa.. time to wake up kiddos...Bungie isn't your buddy... First and foremost..Bungie is a business. They only can provide this game to you if they are making money... I say..Bravo..well played...well played..

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            • bugie is darkness confurmd

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            • Edited by kickboxingchamp: 10/30/2015 3:13:00 PM
              Pushed it back because of Halo. Same reason we have the Halloween mask quests making any spare time you had to play other games void. Everybody with OCD tendencies needs those masks!!!! Also they are selling the arc zhalo, the arc defending rainment robes and the rocket tracking helmet to put everybody on an even playing field in ToO. Litrally making the grind to get good stuff to get a slight upper hand worthless. Now ToO is going to be the same as crucible. Marketing wise it's very smart Just like the Ghorn selling day Destiny and Bungie will be trending everywhere in the hope to pull whoever jumped to other games to come back. Love them or hate them Bungie have cracked the OCD and 1up manship Human tendency in gaming to push Destiny to a whole new level.

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            • I found 7 exotic chests last week, and they all turned into Crest Of Alpha Lupi, I was wondering what was going on, apparently this wasn't just Xur's engrams that were screwed up.

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            • Well... i woulndt say its a conspiracy, but it sure sounds like a business strategy... and a very good one.

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