Tittle says it all
*Edit spell error was on mobile and all these butt hurt xurners think being grammar [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] make me cool
Not this again. Please, can we just stop?
Signed. I shadowshot gliched my way to a 25 points 0.07 kd and earned it like a pro.
What Quest Line did you "earn" it from?? Was it a multi step, ultra hard, high light level one?
Man shut to ass up
It has begun
hmm earned i got mine in 1st week but.....it was a random drop, technically the people who are buying theres, actually earned it as it costs strange coins which you need to earn, so basically anyone who bought it earned it, random drop isnt earned its luck, so guess im lucky lol
Nope, I got mine from farming 3oC like most other people did :)
Yeah "Earned" thru 3oC. First TTK Primary Exotic. Got it again at 310 from Oryx :)
Edited by KarlousVandango: 10/30/2015 9:25:21 AMI randomly got mine didn't earn it with coins though.
I was granted mine at random with no regard for my skill or contribution to the activity in which the gun was granted. It was the antithesis of [i]earning[/i].
Everyone who bought it did. The people who got lucky and got a drop from the RNG didn't earn shit. So all of you guys didn't earn yours, people who xurned r earned theirs
Oh yeah earned it hardcore. Got myself a whole bunch of 3 of coins and went for a visit with my Uncle Draksis Claus. With my 3rd go rocket suiciding him I got my first primary exotic engram. Got the Zhalo. In fact it was the first exotic that I got from TTK. Hard work pays off folks
You can earn rng? How, please tell, is it by being a whiney nerd?
No, I did RNG 3 out of engrams though Which I got from killing bosses Which I guess means I did effort? But I xurned the 3 of coins? But I got one from a purple? Errr... 2confusing4me
Signed. Dropped at 310 from bond bros
Don't you earn the strange coins to buy a gun from xur? !?!?! And they are as random as getting the gun from a drop.
So I'm guessing you EARNED your copy of destiny! Noob
Sign here if yo-shut the hell up dude.
I didn't earn mine. I got lucky off an engram drop of a 3 of coins a few weeks ago and got it at 310. There wasn't really any questing or hunting so no earning here. Just straight RNG baby.
Yeah I earned mine through draksis and three of coins. GTFO
Why do people say they earned something when they got It from a RANDOM drop... Hence the R in RNG RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR.
Nobody "earns" shit in this game except the time locked exotics if your lucky enough to get them.
Oh grow up its rng everyone was given zhalo nobody earned it. You earn spindle and sleeper you dont earn zhalo. Skrub pull you mommas strapon out your ass before you let anymore shit go to your head.