Tittle says it all
*Edit spell error was on mobile and all these butt hurt xurners think being grammar [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] make me cool
Shut the fück up with these "Sign if you earned X before xur sold it" I wanted the gun so I got strange coins to buy it. Who gives a fück if I bought it or got it as a drop? Don't post this shit ever again.
Yeh yeh
No one cares
Woke up 10 minutes early, got ready for work, bought it from a game vendor with game coins I got playing a game, then had to work all day. If that's not earning it I don't know what is.
You've convinced to buy two even though I've only played one character since TTK dropped.
Cuase you know exotic farming is totally earning. I grinded POE for an hour for those things. I earned it more than you did
I got my Zhalo at a 310 from a exotic engram(: but it doesn't matter how you get it tbh
I'm gonna earn the shit out of my supercell here in a few min.
How do you earn a random drop? Does someone earn winning the lottery? I think not you -blam!- nut.
signed everybody is signing even is bought tho
Good to see the whiny *i earned blank exotic* is still around in year 2.
Signed I spent $140 on this game Thanks Xur Git gud scrub
Signed, I earned it by grinding out those strange coins [spoiler];)[/spoiler]
Yeah I earned it. I played the game to receive enough strange coins to buy it and 15 3 of coins. I'm happy.
I've achieved 4 in a row
I earned it! (Less than ten kills with weapon) fight me wittle bwitch. I dare you!
I love watching the "I earned it" fools get rekt on forums
I bought it with some emotes I bought from pre ordering black ops 3