Christmas is for AMERICA. Go have Ramadan in your own country
Please be trolling. For the love of Christ and all that is holy, please be trolling.
Coming from the guy completely ignorant to an entire religion, because of a few opinions?
Coming from...... Wait for it.... SWAGDADDY69..... Hahahahahahahaha what the fûck
Edited by swagdaddy: 10/30/2015 4:19:28 AMI have swag and I'm your dad, I don't see what's so funny?
You're beyond pathetic
That's rich
Christmas is for Christians, who are all over the world. Congratulations, you're a retard.
Wrong. Christmas is for whoever wants it. My father is about as atheist as you can get but Christmas is his favorite holiday.
No, Christmas is not for the Christians. You should learn before calling someone retarded.
Edited by DeathPony07: 10/30/2015 3:46:00 AMCopy and pasted from The History Channel website: [b]A Christian holiday honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas evolved over two millennia into a worldwide religious and secular celebration, incorporating many pre-Christian, pagan traditions into the festivities along the way. Today, Christmas is a time for family and friends to get together and exchange gifts.[/b] I never said it was only for Christians to celebrate. It is a Christian holiday. You're a retard as well.
Edited by Stupid Shinji: 10/30/2015 3:50:48 AMEven courts of law all over the world have ruled that Christmas is not a secular Christian holiday. The biblical readings and lore may be Christian (even tho technically almost every story in the bible is stolen from other religions and teachings) but "Christmas" has been found by historical scholars world wide to predate Christianity.
Right. I'm sure "The History Channel" got it wrong. I'll post it again so your stupid ass can attempt to read it. [b][u][i]A Christian holiday[/i][/u] honoring the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas evolved over two millennia into a worldwide religious and secular celebration, incorporating many pre-Christian, pagan traditions into the festivities along the way. Today, Christmas is a time for family and friends to get together and exchange gifts.[/b]
Uh no, Christmas as it is not was stolen from the pagan holiday of saternalia that celebrated the solstice. But good try, just because a holidays traditions was stolen by Christianity does not give them claim over it. I can steal a car, but just because I paint it a different color does not make it mine.
Oh am I a retard? Good one
Edited by ArmyKnight75: 10/30/2015 3:32:59 AMHe sure got you good with that there "Christmas is not for the Christians" comment Mr. RanGuy. He's a witty one. I'd watch out. He might go full tard on you.
That makes no sense. Do you know anything about American history? Also, there's a huge number of people that play Destiny that aren't American.
I don't care about anything you said? Go create video games in your own country and celebrate Ramadan virtually
That makes no sense. I'm American. Do the world a favor and please don't reproduce.
Did you miss the part I don't care what you think?? 'Do the world a favor and please don't reproduce' Never heard that before
The ignorance is strong with this one...
Sure is