This post is to create another [b]Xbox One Hard Raid Finder[/b], [spoiler]you can never have too many![/spoiler]
just type down what checkpoint your looking for and your light level.
[i]Pro Tip,[/i] If you want to increase your chances of getting in a Hard raid team or forge a fireteam quick just [u]copy and paste your information[/u] to as many Hard Raid Finders as you want this always works for me.
(For Example):
[b]308[/b] Hunter Gamertag "[b]TheDeathNote2[/b]"
-[u]Experienced on Kings fall [b]Hard[/b] raid[/u]
Looking to join any raid team on [u]any[/u] checkpoint.
( I have a mic )
Feel free to shoot me an invite,
GT [b]TheDeathNote2[/b]
[quote]If I don't reply to your xbox invite it's because I'm probably in a raid group already, so don't take it personal I do appreciate every invite :)[/quote]
Want to join our clan "[b]Die Among Legends[/b]" just follow this link
[quote]We are always looking for new members to join us everyone is welcomed. Also feel free to add me on Xbox One [b]Gamertag [u]TheDeathNote2[/u][/b][/quote]
[b]TheDeathNote2's[/b] stats
[i]Titan[/i] 318 light
[i]Warlock[/i] 318 light
[i]Hunter[/i] 318 light
Gaming Schedule: [spoiler]I'm from San Francisco California. I normally work (Monday - Friday 10:00a.m - 7:00p.m) so I play at around (8:00p.m - 1:00a.m) at the moment I play on my mobile hotspot due to my landlord not allowing my cable provider to drill holes. So until I move out that's the only way I'm able to play destiny online. My hotspot data refreshes every 20th. [/spoiler]
[quote]I can run gaze for golgoroth
Run Relic faster than flash on my hunter[/quote] -updated January 8th 2015
Have oryx checkpoint on hard. Message Tolands Journal for inv. Just helping out the community.
Totems need 1 Titan 328+. Mic required. Looking for a nice fast chill run. Message gt above for invite with class and light.
Looking to do totems checkpoint warlock 335 spindle 330 touch malice gt Azirty
Need 5 325+ For fresh start or tom cp Message me for invite gt fakexnoobsniper
Need 5 325+ For fresh start or tom cp Message me for invite gt fakexnoobsniper
Have oryx checkpoint on hard. Message Tolands Journal for inv. Just helping out the community.
Need 5 for hard kf golgoroth checkpoint have spindle and tm msg for invite
Need 5 325+ For fresh start or tom cp Message me for invite gt fakexnoobsniper
Looking to do totems checkpoint warlock 335 spindle 330 touch malice gt Azirty
Have oryx checkpoint on hard. Message Tolands Journal for inv. Just helping out the community.
Looking to do totems checkpoint warlock 335 spindle 330 touch malice gt Azirty
Need 2 for hard sisters message me on xbox1 GT same
Need 5 for fresh run gt tryagain1300
326 experienced hunter willing to start anywhere. Ikno how to do the whole raid very well. Inv gt same
335 Inv cichlidd
Need one frseh
333 Titan looking for chill relaxed group with oryx checkpoint
335 any class Any cp Inv cichlidd
Need 1 hunter who can run relic for oryx cp message yunggatez for invite
Need 1 hunter who can run relic for oryx cp message yunggatez for invite
326 experienced hunter lookin for hard raid. I need ogre. But will start fresh if needed
Need one at totems Get Sozzledisland 330+
335 warlock lf fresh start or totems
Need 4 for oryx cp message yunggatez for invite
330 Titan Need 5 for fresh start. 311+ light, exp, and mic is all that is required. Msg TLK Haad09
319 warlock lf group to start fresh I have experience, black spindle & touch of malice Inv gt above