The last year of Destiny we saw a Day of the Lost festival. It's similar to Halloween and Day of the Dead festivals. Nowadays, Halloween is more of a "Hallmark Holiday" with no generally accepted religion being the main drive for the celebration. It's celebrated by most as a non political, non religious excuse for a party.
There were no holidays celebrated which focused on a particular religious foundation or political stance. The Day of the Lost was essentially invented for the word of Destiny with loose inspiration feom Halloween based on a desire to have some fun and be silly for a week.
I urge anyone with religious beliefs who wish to celebrate a meaningful holiday to do so, and not be offended by the exclusion of religion in Destiny. To put a religious ceremony in a video game trivializes it.
We all have our values and traditions. I think it's great that such diversity can be found in the world and our community. Please celebrate those traditions, values and beliefs in whatever way is truly meaningful to you.
Spend time with loved ones, make it real, make it personal and important. Destiny, a video game is neither real or important. Destiny is merely a distraction from the real world, frivolous entertainment. Don't turn something deeply meaningful to you into something equally frivolous.
Happy holidays.
Religion, lol.