I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Need 1 for Hard Oryx Cp Must be: 308+ ToM Beaten Oryx multiple times on hard Mature (I am runner)
Need 3 more VOG PS4 Add JokerzYT
Looking for atheon cp normal message D3V1LZ R3J3CTZ
No time to explain quest oracals normal gt same as above
Looking to get this done on XB1. Msg or invite MrBeastLee
Need 3 for fresh vog on 360 GT CMG Reclaimer
Lfg atheon for no time to explain add me plz xXZiverXx
Anyone need a player on ps4 add and invite young_man-5
Ps4 need 5 for fresh speed run add FriendlyOldBum
Need 3 for a fresh run Message for invite ZEDx SCORPIANS
Need one more for VoG normal xbox 360 Message GT: My Bagg
Vog normal msg Rambo smalls for inv
Blood in the garden quest for exotic Add: Ell-Aye-Sii
Xbox One. 305 Titan, normal run. Invt same name as above.
Add kegraties ps3
Need people for the no time explain am on Xbox one gt same as above
Normal sisters cp need to be 310+ plan on doing hard mode fresh immediately after message naruto914
Edited by Grim_Zerk: 11/10/2015 4:06:56 PMVog fresh run Hm know what to do add Cubankingreaper 306 light ps4
310 hunter. Looking for atheon cp. I know how to run relic and all that stuff. Invite gamertag - remixlington
313 warlock, LF atheon cp Add BlazeAblaze1313
303 Hunter looking to join Normal VoG (for No Time To Explain quest) Prefer Atheon cp, but will do any. Xb1 Gt: xxToXicCrAsHxx
Looking for 360 VOG raid. Fresh or atheon for no time to explain. 296 titan with all subclasses maxed. Have raid experience
Anyone doing vog? Inv. Gt same. Xb1
Need 2 xbox one Message for invite