I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Xbox one, looking for Atheon Checkpoint. Know how to do the raid, I am 312 light. Message me on XBOX 'LTalentz x' is the GT
Looking for 4 more for fresh VOG run (x360) No requirements Mate has to kill Atheon for FWC GT - same as above
Looking for more for vog fresh ps4 for quest, have 3 add up mightyduck10
314 Titan looking for atheon cp for no time to explain. Have run vog many times before. Message ric111984. Thanks.
No mic not a relic but know wat to do add wazzafinnie ps4
Need 5 for fresh vog
I need help with the last mission to obtain the no time to explain, if interested or u need to do it, add me AriobaldoGames
Kings fall heroic. Sisters cp. Looking for 5 experienced players that can hold there own! Must be 310+ light (no exceptions) Must have mic Must know what to do I'm sorry I'm being picky but I wanna get this done lol Msg gt: Legendaryy lx
Need 4 message gt above for inv xbone
Need 5 for vault of glass fresh for No Time To Explain Message we Gt above for inv
No mic add wazzafinnie dont do relic but know the rest
Looking to do quest 312 Titan lf team any cp
Anyone need help with vault of glass?
Kings fall normal golgoroth cp
Doing vault of glass hard on xbox360 need 3 message me at SERGEANTBLUE91
Need 2 more at confluxs
Need 5 for vog normal Must know what to do Messages WebbedCrowd3 for invite Xbox 360
One jollybunny76695 for gorgon, gatekeeper or aethon cp Xbox one
I'm looking to do ntte. Xbox 1
If you're at gatekeeper invite me
*********** VOG for NTTE ************ Looking for a whole fireteam to run VOG for NTTE on Xbox One... Plenty of experience. Message me if you need 1 more! GT -Harbz96
Ntte final mission need 2 gt same
Need five more for hard daughters cp. I'm a lvl 314 Titan. Message me for inv
Invite me
Need 2 for fresh run message gt for inv
Need 1 for Hard Oryx Cp Must be: 308+ ToM Beaten Oryx multiple times on hard Mature (I am runner)