I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
310 Titan xbone. Feel free to invite I have lots of vog exp Gt is Grimstoned
Anyone Atheon cp on ps4 ?
Need at least 1 person for atheon can take up to three more!
VOG ps4 Invite
311 warlock looking for any cp invite halo killer67
Need 4 at Xbox One gt same as above
Need 5 for fresh run
Looking for VOG for Ntte. Msg el guapo66
305 warlock xbox one, looking for atheon cp. message gt above
Need 1 for Xbox one
Need 1 with any cp normal or hard have experience message gt above
Need 3 PS4 Atheon for no time to explain quest, have 3 already
3 ppl who need the vault of glass, join with us. 2 Titans and. Hunter at 312+ GT: tony_stark52
5 of us looking for atheon cp Message gt above
Need 3 for Xbox one vault of glass no time to explain quest
Need 1 with any cp message gt above xbox 1
Need 5 players for quick VoG run to get the no time to explain!!!! Txt Me Bradley1218 xb1
Need 4 for fresh run msg SilkenAtom83 for inv on Xbox one
Ps4 no time to explain at oracles add fadedsb24
XB1 need 4 for this run. Message me on xbox for invite
Looking for VOG for Ntte. I understand the mechanics. Msg me el guapo66
Xbox one. Invite goaty33 and Ghetobootysweat.. Lvl 313'S. Vog .
Need 3 psn DjeyCrow
Need 3
Need 1 person with aetheon cp xb1
Edited by HighKVA: 11/10/2015 8:05:57 PMLf4m vog norm. "No time to explain". Add HighKVA PS4