I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
312 hunter need to kill atheon for no time to explain
Looking for a team to join on Xbox one. I'm a light lvl 312. My gamertag is jakethegre8est
314 hunter looking for atheon cp inv me
Need team VOG Fresh XB1. Msg for inv gt same
314 hunter looking for atheon cp inv me
VOG hard. Fresh run. Need 2.
Looking to do vog any co is fine (my mic broke unfortunately however I can hear clearly) Xbox one GT: TheCheeseFTW
Looking to join group for No Time To Explain quest. 312 Warlock. GT: CONNOR from BSP
Need 5 for VOG (Hard) Fresh Run Message for invite Gt: z Mxtt
PS4 looking for cp
Atheon cp vog. Msg the gt above for inv
Need 2 for vualts of glass for no time to explain bounty msg gt xFIDEL CASTR0x with a zero
Edited by Sho Nuff 87: 11/10/2015 9:39:01 PMNeed 4 for no time to explain vog easy run
Need 3 fresh fast normal run... message docmed666 for inv
Need 3 for fresh or any cp you have. Message gt above for invite.
XBOX ONE, need 3 more for fresh or if you have atheon Checkpoint send me an invite Gt: God From Legend
From start, as no one has atheon cp. VoG ps4.
Ps4, lfg , 313 hunter, psn alldoom
PS4, add PFos029, lfg Atheon CP for No Time to Explain quest.
Looking to do quest on VOG hit me up if your at a good cp xxZINIExx
Have 2 looking for the Atheon cp on Xbox One. We are looking for someone who has the cp. Msg KhansGaming
Looking for VoG drop in, Atheon CP, x360 GT;Dual1ty HQ
Need full team. Fast normal run. Xbox1. Message docmed666 for inv
Need 4 for vog norm add crushdeeznutz
Doing it on xbone message rosstritch5 for invite
Doing hard oryx CP Must have emblem 312+ GT- Mythgasm