I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Need 4 for vog msg for inv
Need 4 for normal VoG add FriendlyOldBum
Need 5 for vog msg for inv
Need for 4 for vog no time to explain
Looking for 2 for vog fresh run Gt same as above. Xbox one
Looking for atheon cp I have 3 players with message D3V1LZ R3J3CTZ
Looking for group on xbox one. Invite me.
Need 2 for Atheon on NTTE Quest on 360
Looking for 4 to do VOG on normal for NTTE quest line. Message XGEAKEX1994X for inv! Xbox one!
Doing a fresh normal run add kidblack28 so we can do this fast
Edited by iDark Valentine : 11/10/2015 11:18:57 PMNeed four for fresh run normal. Message iDark Valentine for an invite. Xb1
Edited by 999: 11/10/2015 11:16:43 PMNeed atheon cp xbox 1
Lf any cp to join 304 hunter Xbone
Add retb629
Looking for Atheon checkpoint on Xbox one Invite Gt: WPX Droid
Lf Atheon cp gt above
Xbox 1 have hard oracle cp need 1 message gilagorf for invite
304 Titan LF Atheon cp for NTTE quest add jsspga ps4
LF Atheon cp 302 hunter GT bloodlustkills Xbox one
Need 4 for ps4 run if u have any cp or none add me
Need four for vog normal quick run add me
Need 3 for fresh normal VOG 312 TITAN Mic Plz be 290+ Add me on psn/ps4: Dumbsteeze
Need 3 for atheon cp. message UltimateEntity7 for inv
Looking to join in on vault of glass. Gorgon, gatekeeper, or atheon checkpoint normal. Xbox one Tag urowner83 Lvl 298 hunter with sleeper
2 looking for vog group message xpsychopiggiex
312 hunter need to kill atheon for no time to explain