I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Looking Atheon checkpoint Xbox one
Looking to do vog fresh on hard for Xbox one Gt is same
need atheon cp. we have 4
Vault of glass for not time to explain have mic msg me same gammertag on 360
Xbox one 307 Titan, TOM invite gt R0gue J0ker
315 warlock looking to join a team for atheon on Xbox 360
Need 3 for Atheon checkpoint {PS4} Add as above
Need four for vog easy, I got atheon checkpoint on 360. Message xRaP1d ViSiOnZx for an invite
Need Atheon checkpoint Xbox one
atheon cp? we have 4
305 hunter looking to join at atheon. Add nickeaero (ps4)
need 2 with atheon checkpoint. we're ready to go. all high lights. send inv to Purpl3CloudZ
Edited by CY8ERD0GG: 11/11/2015 7:31:21 PMNeed 4 for vog normal or hard, experienced player, dont care if you are, only if you want to get to the end in a relaxed way, this will be a nostalgic experience for me, my mate's new to the game but is lv 40. Want to join? Add join s-k-y-walker Oh, ps4
Need 4 to do VOG fresh norm. Message gamertag above for invite (Xbox one)
Xbox one 307 Titan, TOM invite gt R0gue J0ker
Need 2 at oracles message for inv
305 Titan looking for atheon cp. Have beaten it before and can help
298 titan have done vault before. Lazyballer7
310 hunter lfg
Gt Nickawaller 307 titan
301 lock starting a vault of glass group for NTTE quest prefer if you have done it pm on xbox1 gt same
310 hunter doing quest lfg
Looking for atheon cp send message xbone bentley04
Lfg 301 hunter ps4
Need 5 for fresh vog raid for ntte. Xbone Gt above for invite. I'm 310 woth good weapons be about the same as well
Need 4 for vog msg for inv